All articles with 'personal finance' Tag

Would you like to spend next 5 minutes learning how to create an mutual fund tracker excel sheet?
Make a live, updatable mutual fund portfolio tracker for Indian markets to keep track of your investments using this example.
Continue »Growing a Money Mustache using Excel [for fun]
![Growing a Money Mustache using Excel [for fun]](
Mustache and Excel?!? Sounds as unlikely as 3D pie charts & Peltier. But I have a story to tell. So grab a cup of coffee and follow me.
Today, lets talk about how to construct a dynamic chart that can show us how much progress we have made against a financial goal (in this case, accumulating a big chunk of money). I call this growing mustache chart, inspired from the wonderful Mr. Money Mustache.
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Today we will build a mortgage payment calculator (and amortization schedule) using excel. But we will not build a boring excel sheet, we will build a mortgage calculator that is easy to play with.
A mortgage payment is a monthly installment that you pay towards a loan. Any mortgage loan will typically have, (1) loan amount, (2) duration of the loan in years, (3) interest rate per year
Given these 3 parameters, we can easily determine the monthly installment amount (this will be the same amount for all months during loan tenure)
We are going to use Excel’s form controls (more on this below) to build a mortgage payment calculator like this.
Continue »Track Your Mutual Fund Portfolio using Excel [India Only]
![Track Your Mutual Fund Portfolio using Excel [India Only]](
Excel is very good for keeping track of your investments. Due to its grid nature, you can easily create a table of all the mutual fund holdings and monitor the latest NAVs (Net Asset Values) to see how your investments are doing. A while back we have posted a file on tracking mutual funds using excel. Today we are going to release an upgrade for that file.
Read the rest of this post to understand how this template works and download the free template.
Continue »![Personal Budget Spreadsheet [Downloads]](
At PHD household, we believe in using money wisely. Both Mrs. PHD and I come from very modest backgrounds. Our upbringing has taught us value of money in the most effective way – by exposing us to not having any. So when we got our first job (did I tell you that both Jo and I started working in same company and sat in same floor? Oh, it was such a lovely time), we were very prudent and decided not to waste money on anything trivial (we still are, just that over last 6 years our earning capacity increased a bit and we became parents).
Anyways, I am not here to bore you about my household. But I am here to tell you fun ways to track expenses and household budgets using spreadsheets.
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In this installment of spreadcheats, we will learn how to use goal seek feature of excel. We will build a retirement savings calculator using excel. We will learn to use Excel’s FV() formula to estimate the corpus that can be accumulated by saving fixed amount every month.
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I am coffee drinker. And I love various types of coffee; be it the Chennai strong filter coffee or the medium-blend of Starbucks, I just love to sip a cupfull every morning. Since I love coffee so much I thought why not share a little secret about coffee buying with you all. Assuming you buy […]
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By integrating services like Google Finance, Search in to spreadsheet functions, google docs has paved the way for endless possibilities. Google spreadsheet function GoogleFinance() can be used to build stock portfolio tracker sheet that can fetch historical stock quotes to tell how your money is doing. Click here to see the stock portfolio tracker sheet […]
Continue »Each of us have our mechanisms to track how we spend money. We use Excel, various online sites and software like Quicken or Microsoft Money to track how we spend our bucks. The bottom line is to track where each penny / paisa / cent is going. So, how great would be it be, if […]
Continue »While trying to spell check one my sheets I have learned this cool trick to fetch real time stock quotes without any webqueries or vba or anything. First enter the stock code in a cell (this works for US stocks only), for eg. AAPL for Apple, MSFT for Microsoft etc. Then ALT+CLICK on that cell, […]
Continue »Here is a simple way to get Rs. 70 Lakhs when you are 55 – DONT touch your PF
Here is a simple piece of advice to literally everyone who is working: do NOT touch your Provident Fund, no matter what. Provident fund (commonly known as PF, EPF) is a retirement benefit facility provided to Indian employees by their employers of companies that have more than 20 employees. The option is applicable for practically […]
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