
50 Best Cities for Finding a Job [Incell Dashboard using Excel]



We all know that incell charts are a very cool way to explore and visualize data. Personally I like them so much that I have written several tutorials on it here. Today we will see how a Job dashboard on “50 best cities for finding a job” originally prepared by Indeed job search engine can be recreated in Excel using In-cell charts.

The original dashboard looked like this:

We can re-create it in Excel with the following steps.

Step1 : Get the data

Of course this is very simple. I went to the web page and copied the data. Pasted it in to a text file and cleaned it up until it is ready. Then I imported the data to excel by using Import Text to Columns feature.

Step 2 : Find the symbols for Person and Employment vacancy icons

This is even more simpler. I just went to Insert > Symbol and selected “Webdings” font. The person icon is available there. Unfortunately I couldn’t find any character that looks like a chair. So I have used the computer icon (available in wingdings font).

Step 3 : Create the In-cell Chart

All we have to do is write REPT Excel Formula.

Step 4 : Add the final touches

set-custom-cell-formatting-codecustom-cell-formatting-code-exampleIf you look at the original chart, it also has up and down arrows to show when the ranking of the city has changed compared to previous reporting period. I have used custom cell formatting to achieve this effect. The custom formatting code used is:

[Blue]"? "0;[Red]"? "0;;

I have also adjusted the font colors and did some table formatting (like adding borders, removing gridlines etc.).

Final In-cell Dashboard of 50 Best Cities for Finding a Job

This is the final outcome

Download the Incell Dashboard on Best Cities to Find Jobs

You can download the in-cell job dashboard from here [.zip version]


As I said, in-cell charts are lot more fun, lot more easier to build and play with and they add variety to your dashboards, reports and general visualizations.  Experiment with an in-cell chart today see if they work for you.

Further Resources on In-cell Charting & Dashboards


Learn how to create Excel dashboards.


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    9 Responses to “50 Best Cities for Finding a Job [Incell Dashboard using Excel]”

    1. Ross says:

      Yeah, nice work, but you'll have to go a long way to convince me that these type of charts actually bring anything to the table!

    2. Chandoo says:

      @Ross.. I see in-cell charts as more powerful and easy than a regular chart. Plus they are very good to present the results, they scale nicely with the increase in data. Of course, you cannot replace traditional charts altogether. But incell charts can add variety.

    3. DP says:

      Nifty, but how do you get the up and down arrows into the custom formatting? I did look at you custom formatting link, but still can't figure it out.

    4. Chandoo says:

      @DP .. the up and down arrow symbols are available in normal font. Download the sample workbook and copy the symbols from the custom format codes...

    5. DP says:

      Thanks Chandoo!

    6. Jørgen Rasmussen says:

      Great graph Chandoo, For the moment I am trying to give a number of dashboards to a group, that does not understand much of (or has the interest in) accounting figures - Truckdrivers.
      This gives me another way of showing them how they are doing. If you know how to generate my own font, so I will be able to show them a Truck then I will hit them spot on. But may be that is not possible.

    7. Abhishek says:


      i am stuck in a formula please help

      I have two cells...in one cell when i enter Name or emp ID

      i want results in second cell accordingly from below database.

      basically just like search and find ( i want to search with name or Emp ID in once cell and want to result in second cell) i an trying with lookup but not getting results please help.

      Search Cell -
      Result cell -

      Emp Id Emp Name Grade Designation Date of Joining

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