All articles with 'Zebra Stripes' Tag
Highlight Quarters, Weekends in pivot reports using styles [quick tip]
![Highlight Quarters, Weekends in pivot reports using styles [quick tip]](
Here is a quick pivot table tip.
When reporting summaries by month, it would be better to highlight 3 months at a time (Jan, Feb, Mar in one color, Apr, May, Jun in another color) than showing all in one color. Today, lets learn how to do this in easiest possible way.
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![Customize Zebra lines Quickly using Table Styles [tip]](
Zebra lines, the dull highlighting applied to alternative rows is a very good way to make your tables readable & pretty.
We can use either conditional formatting or table formats to quickly add zebra lines to our data.
But what if you want a little more?
What if you want to highlight, lets say 3 rows in one color and 3 in another and repeat this …
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Zebra Stripes and Checker Boards
This week in Formula Forensics I’m taking a break from Array Formulas to have a look at some Zebra Stripes and Checker Boards.
No, I haven’t gone crazy, although some may argue that point.
More specifically were going to take a look at, Zebra Stripes and Checker-Board Conditional Formatting.
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