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There are Easter Eggs in this Excel file!!!

Hello Friends…,
It is Easter time again. Every year, we at celebrate Easter by hunting for eggs (not in the wild, just in the Excel workbooks). This year too I have hidden 30 Excel tips in a workbook. You have to solve 3 puzzles to find them. So what are you waiting for. Go ahead and hunt for them eggs.
Click here to download the Easter eggs file.
I am sure you will enjoy them
Use Alt+Enter to get multiple lines in a cell [spreadcheats]
![Use Alt+Enter to get multiple lines in a cell [spreadcheats]](
A very quick spreadcheat for Friday. If you need to type content in a cell and you want to see it multiple lines then use alt + enter to break the content in several lines. See to the right for an example.
Bonus tip: If you are using formulas to create content in a cell by combining various text values and you want to introduce line breaks at certain points … For eg. you are creating an address field by combining house number, street name, city and zip code and you want to introduce line breaks after house number and street name then you can use CHAR(10).
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