
All articles with 'vitamin xl' Tag

Why am I killing Vitamin XL?

Published on Oct 29, 2012 in products
Why am I killing Vitamin XL?

About 10 days ago, I have introduced Vitamin XL – our membership program and asked for your feedback. I got several enthusiastic responses (both for and against it).

I have decided to go ahead and kill this product idea. Please read to understand why.

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Please help me design our new product: Vitamin XL

Published on Oct 19, 2012 in Learn Excel, products
Please help me design our new product: Vitamin XL

Hello friends, fans & well wishers of Chandoo.org,

I am happy to announce about our new product – Vitamin XL, a membership program for you. I want to make sure that Vitamin XL offers you the best possible features & value. I need your help in designing this product. Please read this short article and give me your feedback.
What is Vitamin XL?
Just like vitamins you give you strength and health, Vitamin XL ups your Excel mojo, gives you new ideas & powers. Here is what I have in mind:

Vitamin XL is a membership program with 3 distinct benefits

  1. Excel Training
  2. Excel Resources
  3. Excel user community
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