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11 Excel Trackers & Templates to help you Rock 2011

We are just a few days away from 2011. New year always brings hope, cheer, joy and revitalizes us. So naturally many of us embark on journeys with new goals, resolutions, things to do.
Naturally, Excel can help us better manage the new year. In this post, I am featuring 11 templates so that you can have a rocking 2011.
Continue »Get Stock Quotes using Excel Macros [and a Crash Course in VBA]
![Get Stock Quotes using Excel Macros [and a Crash Course in VBA]](
Have you ever wanted to fetch live stock quotes from excel? In this post we will learn about how to get stock quotes for specified symbols using macros. We use Yahoo! Finance API to fetch the stock quotes and other information related to a company using excel macros. Along the way, we will also learn various interesting things about Excel VBA. Think of this post as a crash course in VBA.
This is a guest post by Daniel Ferry.
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