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All articles with 'Rankif' Tag

Conditional Rank, the easy way [quick tip]

Published on Oct 20, 2017 in Pivot Tables & Charts
Conditional Rank, the easy way [quick tip]

Yesterday, my mate from across the ditch, Hui posted about conditional rank formula (RANKIFS) using awesome SUMPRODUCT

Of course, not everyone can whip up a sumproduct formula like that. On a scale of One to Hui of Excel awesomeness, you would need to be at least an H to write sumproduct or countifs formulas shown in that post. So does it mean, you can’t conditional rank if you don’t know your X from L?

Don’t worry. We got you covered. You can still get your conditional ranks, without inception level array formulas. Simple, use pivot tables instead.

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Formula Forensics 043: Rankifs or Conditional Rank

Published on Oct 19, 2017 in Formula Forensics, Huis, Posts by Hui
Formula Forensics 043: Rankifs or Conditional Rank

Learn how to develop a Conditional Rank or Rankifs formula in Excel

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