All articles with 'random' Tag
How to get a random sample of data with Power Query

Today’s Power Monday trick is about Power Query. This is based on my experience of working with large volumes of data.
Today I have been building a hotel dashboard (more on this later). As part of the dashboard, I wanted to show a random sample of user reviews. Reviews database had quite a few rows, so I wanted to extract a randomized sample of 100 reviews and show them in the report. When you refresh the report (Data > Refresh), then a new set of reviews will be fetched and shown.
Let’s learn how to generate a random sample with Power Query in this article.
Continue »How to select a random sample from all your data [trick]
![How to select a random sample from all your data [trick]](
The other day, I got a text message (SMS) from one of our readers. It read,
So today, let us learn a very easy trick to select random sample from your data.
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Don’t know which way to go ?
Can’t make up your mind between alternatives?
Using collected or known data is the best when developing Excel models, but from time to time this may not be available when you are developing your model. This post will look at some options for setting up Dummy Data using Excels Random number functions.

Often when you are writing code or testing an application, it might be helpful to have random phone numbers generated for you. Here is an excel formula that I use: =value(left(substitute(rand(),”0.”,””),10)) try these 2 instead (thanks to John) =RAND()*(9999999999-1000000000)+1000000000 =RANDBETWEEN(1000000000,9999999999) [needs analysis toolpack add-in or excel 2007] Even though it works most of the time […]
Continue »Sorting a list of items in random order in excel – using formulas

In shuffling a list of items in excel I have described the technique of using random numbers generated by RAND() to sort a list of items. The technique had one disadvantage though, every time you need to reshuffle the list you have to press F9 to recalculate the rand() and then go to menu > […]
Continue »Simulating Dice throws – the correct way to do it in excel
If you ever had to simulate random outcomes in excel sheet, you might have already heard of about the spreadsheet function rand(), this little function generates a random fraction between 0 and 1 whenever you use it. So I usually write =round(rand()*12,0)int(rand()*12)+1 if I need a random number between 0 to 12. Of course, if […]
Continue »Shuffle a list of numbers / items in excel spreadsheet
Here is a quick Monday tip for data junkies. If you want to shuffle a list of numbers or cells in excel in random order you can do that with “data > sort” menu option of excel. First insert a column next to the list you want to shuffle and enter random numbers in each […]
Continue »Environmental Graffiti should get the award for “worst possible bar chart ever” for this unbelievable piece of art… Who said bar charts are only for serious data interpretation, they can be used to have such fun 🙂 Also read Garr Reynold’s comments on this as well. Happy Thursday.. 🙂
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