
All articles with 'radar charts' Tag

Creating a Masterchef Style Clock in Excel [for fun]

Creating a Masterchef Style Clock in Excel [for fun]

Jo (wife) likes to watch Masterchef Australia, a cooking reality show every night. Even though I do not find contestant’s culinary combats comforting, occasionally I just sit and watch. You see, I like food.

The basic premise of the program is who cooks best in given time. To tell people how much time is left, they use a clock that indicates how much time is left (much like a stop clock, with a small twist).

One day, while watching such intense battle, my mind went

It be cool to make such a clock using hmm… Excel?

While I cannot share my snapper (or pretty much any other food item) with you, I can share my Masterchef style Excel clock with you. So behold,

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Replace Radar Charts with Tables to Make Comparison Easy

Published on Oct 7, 2008 in Charts and Graphs, hacks, ideas, Learn Excel
Replace Radar Charts with Tables to Make Comparison Easy

In Petal Charts – an Alternative to Radar Charts I have suggested using a radar chart tweak to replace the radar charts. Both PTSBlog and Information Ocean have posted their critical reviews of these petal charts. So as a penance for proposing petals, I am going to provide a tutorial on creating a comparison table […]

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You are NOT spider man, so why do you use radar charts?

Published on Sep 18, 2008 in Charts and Graphs, ideas, Learn Excel
You are NOT spider man, so why do you use radar charts?

There are few charts in excel that are as revolting as a radar chart. The purpose of a radar chart is to compare m options across n parameters so that audience can be convinced that option A is better than say option B. But, I am yet to come across a radar chart that tells […]

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