All articles with 'Or' Tag
Can you solve this blood pressure problem? [IF Formula Homework]
![Can you solve this blood pressure problem? [IF Formula Homework]](
Over on Facebook, Kristin asks, Help, my blood pressure is going thru the roof. I can’t seem to solve this blood pressure problem.
Let’s simplify Kristin’s problem.
You have some data in the format shown above.
And you want to find out the BP category for each reading, using some rules. Read on to solve the problem.
Continue »Get busy this weekend, with OR XOR AND [Excel Homework]
![Get busy this weekend, with OR XOR AND [Excel Homework]](
Some of you have heard my neighbor’s dog bark in a video or two that I recorded. While I was busy explaining how to do something awesome in Excel, this dog would decide to bark, adding her own two cents to the lesson. Quite a few of my VBA class students have grown used to it. So much that they complain when a lesson doesn’t have a couple of woofs. But I digress.
So coming back, one of the dogs (probably stray) has decided that she should bring her infant puppies and hide them under our terrace stair case. So, now we have 2 cute little puppies barking day long (and very late in to the night) just outside my office window. We have tried hard to get rid of them, but they somehow sneak back in and start barking or crying. So, I will be busy this weekend trying to move them out.
But that doesn’t mean, you have to live Excel-less for a few days. So I have a homework.
OR XOR AND, Get busy this weekend!
Don’t worry. I am not speaking elvish or something. OR, XOR & AND stand for bit-wise operations. This week, your task is to write formulas in Excel that would get the bit-wise results for AND, OR & XOR.
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How often have you had a simple table where you want to lookup a value or add up some values meeting a criteria?
This post looks at a simple way to do a 2D Lookup or 2D Sum of a values from within a 2D range with multiple criteria, without complex Sum, Offset, Index, Match, Sumifs or other functions, simply using Sumproduct
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