
All articles with 'Olympic medals by country' Tag

The Olympic Medals by Country Chart – Improved now

Published on Aug 12, 2008 in Charts and Graphs, Learn Excel

My Olympic medals by country year visualization in excel is received well by readers. I got few interesting emails on it. Robert from Germany shares an interesting approach at doing this, by doing a heat map of the medal counts on an outline world map. This is very impressive and involves flood filling countries with […]

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Doing the NY times Olympic medals by country year visualization in excel

Doing the NY times Olympic medals by country year visualization in excel

When I saw the Olympic medals won by each country by year infographic on nytimes my jaw almost dropped, go ahead see it and come back, I am sure you will love it too. It is one of the coolest visualizations I have seen in the recent past and I see infographics all the time, […]

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