All articles with 'N()' Tag

We all know about the MAX formula. But do you know about 3D Max?
Sounds intriguing? Read on.
Lets say you are the sales analyst at ACME Inc. Your job involves drinking copious amounts of coffee, creating awesome reports & helping ACME Inc. beat competition.
For one of the reports, you need to find out the maximum transactions by any customer across months.
But there is a twist in the story.
Your data is not in one sheet. It is in multiple sheets, one per month.
Continue »Formula Challenge 001 – Return everything from a string after the first block of numbers (Part 2.)
Today we look at the third place winner from our inaugural Formula Challenge, a neat solution provided by Sajan.
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There are many web pages devoted to Excel Charts and there are many web pages devoted to Creating Dynamic Ranges, but a lot of these suffer when the data is poorly organised or non-contiguous.
Today we look at a Technique for Creating Dynamic Charts with Non-Contiguous Data.
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