
All articles with 'MOD()' Tag

Splitting a number into integer and decimal portions

Published on Nov 22, 2010 in Excel Howtos, Learn Excel
Splitting a number into integer and decimal portions

Here is a quick formula tip to start another awesome week.

Often while working with data, I need to split a number in to integer and decimal portions. Now, there are probably a ton of ways you can do this. But here are two formulas I use quite often and they work well.

Assuming the number is in cell A1,

  • Integer part =INT(A1)
  • Decimal part =MOD(A1,1)

These formulas work whenever my data has only positive numbers (which is the case 90% 0f time). But if I am dealing with a mix of positive and negative numbers, …

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How to Calculate Working Hours Between 2 Dates [Solution]

Published on Sep 10, 2010 in Learn Excel
How to Calculate Working Hours Between 2 Dates [Solution]

This post builds on earlier discussion, How many hours did Johnny work? I recommend you to read that post too. Lets say you have 2 dates (with time) in cells A1 and A2 indicating starting and ending timestamps of an activity. And you want to calculate how many workings hours the task took. Further, lets […]

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Automatic Rolling Months in Excel [Formulas]

Published on Apr 6, 2010 in Excel Howtos, Learn Excel
Automatic Rolling Months in Excel [Formulas]

Often when we are making spreadsheets for forecasting or planning we would like to keep the starting month dynamic so that rest of the months in the plan can automatically rolled. Don’t understand? See this example: This type of setup is quite useful as it lets us change the starting month very easily. We can […]

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Writing “Either Or” formula in Excel [Formula Howtos]

Published on Mar 2, 2010 in Excel Howtos, Learn Excel

We all know the AND, OR & NOT formulas in Excel using which you can perform simple logical operations And, Or & Negate. But what if you are the chief of HR at ACME Company, where they have a strange rule on extra allowance like this: Now, to calculate the dates in a month that […]

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Array formula to check if a number is prime [just for fun]

Published on May 29, 2009 in Learn Excel

I am math-geek-wannabe, if there ever is such a category. During my 3rd year of graduation I went and purchased the volume 2 of Donald Knuth’s Art of Computer Programming and thus began my love with all things random and prime. I never really became the math-geek I always wanted to, instead I became an insurance expert with tons of passion for data and visualization. But when I get a chance to poke with randomness or numbers, I always lap it up with joy. And that brings us to an interesting array formula trick to check if a number is prime or not.

(assuming the number is in the cell B2) type the below formula and

=IF(MIN(MOD($B$5,ROW(INDIRECT(“2:”&INT(SQRT($B$5))))))=0,”not prime”,”prime”)

hit ctrl+shift+enter and bingo, it tells you if the number is prime or not. Read on to find how it works

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