All articles with 'market segmentation charts' Tag
Did Jeff just chart?
Published on Jan 27, 2014 in Charts and Graphs, Cool Infographics & Data Visualizations, Posts by Jeff

How do you segment customers by revenue easily in Excel, so that you can see which customer groups to focus on. Find out, and download this handy template.
In this charting example, Jeff, our guest author, occasional charter and Excel wizard shows us how to segment customers based on revenue and depict the result using Excel charts.
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Market Segmentation Charts using Conditional Formatting
Published on Feb 18, 2009 in Charts and Graphs, Learn Excel

Trust Peltier to come up with solutions for even the most impossible looking charts. Today he shares a marimekko chart tutorial. I couldn’t sit still after seeing his post. So here comes market segmentation charts or marimekko charts using,