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I recently finished a long consulting gig with one of the government ministries in New Zealand. Guess what I was doing? HR Analytics and Reporting. In this post, I want to share my top 5 Excel tips for HR people, based on what I learned in the last 18 months.
Specifically, we will cover:
- Gathering and structuring Employee data in Excel
- How to use Power Query to collect data
- Polish / clean data in Power Query
- Bring cleaner data to Excel as refreshable table
- Answering questions about employees
- Using Excel formulas such as COUNTIFS, SUMIFS, AVERAGEIFS
- Pivot tables for data analysis
- Understanding the results quickly with conditional formatting
- Understanding pay gap
- Calculating gender pay gap
- Visualize pay gap
- Creating salary distribution charts
- Working with histogram charts in Excel 2016 / Office 365
- Making interactive charts
- Generating letters thru mail merge
- Calculating employee bonus based on bonus mapping logic
- Creating 100s of letters with a single click using Mail Merge + Word
Sounds interesting? Read on for details.
Continue »Use mail merge to create custom letters, invoices, labels and more

The idea of mail merge is simple & powerful. Imagine you handle recruitment at a large company. You just hired 300 analysts for the big data division. The next job – generate employment offer letters for each of them. Of course, you don’t want to type these letters one at a time. You have the details of all the 300 offers (name, email, address, offer code, role, benefit package details and date of joining etc.) in a spreadsheet. You also have a template of the offer letter.
Enter mail merge. This powerful feature of MS Word combines (Excel) data with Word document contents to generate all the 300 letters in just few minutes.
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