All articles with 'lower()' Tag
Convert Text to Sentence Case using Excel Formulas [Quick Tips]
![Convert Text to Sentence Case using Excel Formulas [Quick Tips]](
It is almost 3:30 am now, I stayed awake for last 23 hours so that Excel School 2 can be ready for rolling. But that is no excuse for not having a post here. So here it goes. Excel has formulas for converting a bunch of text to UPPER, lower and Proper Cases. But not […]
Continue »Search a Spreadsheet Full of Data using Conditional Formatting

Many of us use spreadsheets to manage huge lists of data, like customer data bases, salesperson data bases etc. Today we will learn a little conditional formatting trick that you can use to search a worksheet full of data and highlight the matching cells.
Continue »Excel Formula for Finding Repeated Words in a Cell

If you ever need to know whether a particular word is repeated in a cell (for eg: a file extension or telephone number or name of the customer) here is how you can find it. =if(lower(cell-with-text)<>SUBSTITUTE(lower(cell-with-text),lower(word-to-check),””,2),”Yes”,”No”) We are using substitute() to replace the second occurance of a particular word and then compare this with original […]
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