All articles with 'google maps' Tag
Calculate travel time and distance between two addresses using Excel + Maps API

Ever wanted to calculate distance using Excel – between two locations (physical addresses)? If we know the addresses, we can go to either Google Maps or Bing Maps and type them out to find the distance and travel time. But what if you are building some model (or calculator) and want to find out the […]
Continue »Google Maps Walking Directions Bug ?!?
I love google maps. No, wait, I really love google maps. I think it is a perfect example of passion, intelligence and wit coming together to create software. [trivia link: google maps tells you swim across the ocean], I have been using maps to find transit directions from my hotel to office and I have […]
Continue »Search restaurants by cuisine – Google maps
This is another wow feature in Google maps that I started seeing last week. You can search restaurants by cuisine, how simple yet how effective .. Click here to see all the Pizza places near Empire State Building in New York. Earlier on Gmaps: Get directions by public transport, See 3D building outlines in […]