All articles with 'get and transform data' Tag
Combine multiple Excel files using Power Query [Full example + download]
![Combine multiple Excel files using Power Query [Full example + download]](
Say you want to combine multiple Excel files, but there is a twist. Each file has few tabs (worksheets) and you want to combine like for like, ie , all Sheet1s to one dataset, all Sheet2s to another dataset…
To make matters interesting each sheet has a different format.
What now?
Of course Power Query to the rescue.
Continue »Convert unevenly spaced list to table [Data from Hell]
![Convert unevenly spaced list to table [Data from Hell]](
Introducing Data from Hell:
Watch out, its data from hell. In this new video series, we are going to examine some nutty, frustrating and fun data reshaping challenges and solve them using Excel. We will use Power Query, Formulas, VBA or other features as needed to free this data from damnation.
For our first installment, let’s reshape unevenly spaced list of values to a table.
Continue »Unpivot and then pivot for clarity (case study)

Or more appropriately titled, the one where Power Query solves the problem in less time than it takes you to say Get & Transform Data.
Recently, one of my students Mr. K, sent me a pivot table problem.
Today my boss asked me “how much we paid to staff since the inception of our business with their respective date of joining?” He wanted to know, level wise summary of the last 16 years (on Quarterly / Year wise basis).
The records appended from the database month wise. Have a look to the file and give your ideas.
Mr. K’s data looked like above.
Continue »Unpivot data quickly with Power Query [tutorial]
![Unpivot data quickly with Power Query [tutorial]](
Power Query (Get & Transform data in Excel 2016) is a must have tool, if you wrangle with data every day. Here is a quick introduction, in case you are new.
Let’s learn how to use Power Query to unpivot data.
Essentially, we are trying to go from left to right in the above picture.
Doing something like this thru either formulas or VBA can be very complex. But Power Query can get you unpivoted data in just a few clicks. Sounds interesting? Read on.
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