
All articles with 'day()' Tag

Ensure cleaner input dates with conditional formatting [quick tip]

Published on May 12, 2015 in Excel Howtos
Ensure cleaner input dates with conditional formatting [quick tip]

Here is a familiar problem: You create a workbook to track some data. You ask your staff to fill up the data. Almost all the input data is fine, except the date column. Every one types dates in their own format. Here is a fun, simple & powerful way to warn your users when they […]

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Sort by Birthday [Quick tip]

Published on Aug 26, 2013 in Excel Howtos
Sort by Birthday [Quick tip]

Lets say you have a list of employees and their birthdays. Now you want to sort this list, based on their birthday, not age. How would you do it?

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14 ways to check if an year is leap year, using Excel [just for fun]

Published on Feb 29, 2012 in Excel Howtos, Learn Excel
14 ways to check if an year is leap year, using Excel [just for fun]

Today is February 29th, and that means, this year we have one more day to be awesome. So lets celebrate it in Excel style!

Lets learn 14 different ways to tell if an year is leap year, using Excel Formulas.

Why 14? because, we are awesome like that.

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Writing “Either Or” formula in Excel [Formula Howtos]

Published on Mar 2, 2010 in Excel Howtos, Learn Excel

We all know the AND, OR & NOT formulas in Excel using which you can perform simple logical operations And, Or & Negate. But what if you are the chief of HR at ACME Company, where they have a strange rule on extra allowance like this: Now, to calculate the dates in a month that […]

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