
All articles with 'copy data' Tag

Use CTRL to make copies of worksheets quickly

Published on Feb 15, 2017 in Keyboard Shortcuts, Learn Excel
Use CTRL to make copies of worksheets quickly

The other day, I found myself making copies of a templated report worksheet. After trying the usual route of “right click on source sheet, select move or copy, check create a copy and press OK” a few times, I thought “well that is asinine.” So I figured, may be CTRL+Drag will create a copy. And what do you know, it does.

So that is our quick tip for the day. Whenever you need to make a copy of something, simply hold CTRL key and drag the thing.

It works for charts, drawing shapes, worksheets and even ranges.

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Consolidate data from different excel files (VBA)

Published on Apr 9, 2012 in Automation, Excel Howtos, VBA Macros
Consolidate data from different excel files (VBA)

Last week, we learned how to use SQL and query data inside Excel. This week, lets talk about how we can use VBA to consolidate multiple data sheets from different workbooks into one single worksheet.

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