All articles in 'VBA Macros' Category
Pimp your comment boxes [because it is Friday]
![Pimp your comment boxes [because it is Friday]](
Excel comment boxes are a very useful feature, but the comment box look hasn’t changed since slice bread. So Tom, one of our readers, took it upon himself to revamp the comment box. He wrote a simple macro to botox, smoothen and color the comment box. It is a fun and simple macro, something that can make a boring spreadsheet friday a little more exciting.
Continue »Get cell comments using Excel Formula

Excel has a very useful feature called “cell comments” using which you can add comment to a cell. This is a very good way to gather remarks and review comments when a workbook is shared with colleagues and others. But what if you have typed a ton of cell comments and now want a way to extract them and do something with that data?
Continue »Time to showoff your VBA skills – Help me fix ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert snafu

I am stuck with an excel problem and I need your help. While trying to insert an image in to my excel 2007 workbook using VBA I hit on this weird error and not able to use the ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert method. Do you know why?
Continue »Excel Links – Bacon bits are good edition
In this edition of Excel Links, we feature a new excel blog on the blog, named bacon bits. We also share links about interesting articles like generating tinyurls using vba, making maps using xy charts, designing filters for your dashboards and more.
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We all know that networkdays() an extremely powerful and simple excel formula can help you calculate no. of working days between 2 given dates.
But there is one problem with it. It assumes 5 day workweek starting with Monday to Friday. Not all countries have workweek from Monday to Friday.
This got me thinking and I ended up writing a user defined formula (UDF) to calculate working days between 2 given dates with any criteria. This will be good for calculating payrolls for temporary workers, offshore partners and of course people working countries where Saturday or Sunday or not usually holidays.
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