All articles in 'photographic fridays' Category
Windows 98 – Photographic Fridays #17

Downtown is full of buildings and windows, each window reflecting other buildings making the whole thing look gorgeous. I took this in Pittsburgh (I know, very few pics since we moved to Seattle. Nothing wrong with the place, it is an amateur photographers heaven, I haven’t found enough time since we are staying in hotel […]
Continue »Come, Lets Celebrate – Photographic Fridays # 16

That is Pittsburgh downtown from Mt. Washington during the night time. It looked like a huge party down there.
Continue »Sun Flower – Photographic Fridays # 15

Shot in our apartment complex in Columbus. One of the houses had these on the yard and they are just beautiful. I am sucker for flowers and had to shoot when I come across one. More flowers for your eyes. More clicks
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Last week we have been to Pittsburgh to visit a college friend. We had great fun there. It is a neat little town with countless bridges. Pittsburgh was historically known as steel city, but today the glory is all that of technology and education industries there. The above is the building of a steel company […]
Continue »American Bald Eagle – Photographic Fridays # 13

Shot at National Aviary, Pittsburgh. Browse archives.
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Took this in a bar, rotated the photo in a image editor. Btw, what do you like to drink? For me Vodka if I want to get drunk, otherwise a good chilled beer. Happy weekend?
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Took this near Niagara falls, NY. The falls are divided between US and Canada. You need a Canadian visa (US visa) if you want to see the water falls from both sides. Of course, water doesn’t need a passport to flow. Browse other.
Continue »Photographic Fridays #10 – At the Niagara Falls

The sky, the greenery and the instant rainbows at Niagara falls are mind blowing. We had great fun at the falls last weekend. I took several photos, here is one for you savor during the weekend.
Continue »Photographic Fridays #9 – Here now, gone later
Took this in Columbus zoo almost 2 weeks back, still no fresh photos, hopefully this weekend I should put my d40 to some use. We are driving down to Niagara Waterfalls on the US / Canada border in few mins, see you all on Monday. You have a good weekend 🙂
Continue »Photographic Fridays #8 – Somewhere in the paradise
Every Friday I post a photograph to share it with my readers and get review comments. The above photo was taken when I visited Columbus Zoo last Saturday.
Continue »Photographic Fridays #7 – What makes you run?
Every Friday I post a photo taken in the recent days, to share with my readers, to get some feed back so that we all can become better photographers, learn from others comments (of course, most of the time it is me who gets the brickbats). I go running every other day, 3 miles (~5k). […]
Continue »Photographic Fridays #6 – Where do you want to go today?
Yesterday evening I have suddenly realized that I don’t have any photos to post for today edition of Photographic Fridays, I didn’t want this category to be a still born like the erstwhile Calvin fund 😀 So I took out the D40 and marched out of house in search a subject worth my clickitch. While […]
Continue »Photographic Fridays #5 – Dawn
During my evening jogs I go past this place, its a patch vast open space in the midst of the urban land. I made a mental note to shoot here during early morning as I would get very good view of sky. Yesterday I woke up early and drove there to took some shots. The […]
Continue »What does your sky look like?, originally uploaded by Chandoo. We went to a near by amusement park for the July 4th weekend. Even though it was raining they had a decent turnout and we enjoyed alot going on the rides, playing with water, watching the parades and finally the fireworks. I tried capturing many […]
Continue »same flower, another angle, originally uploaded by Chandoo. We went to near by Scioto River park last weekend to spend some time without any noise. But we didnt know that there was a concert going on there. So we walked out of the park to surrounding Dublin residential area and I spotted few nice flowers […]
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