All articles in 'Off-topic' Category

It is thanksgiving week in USA, which means our friends & readers in America are enjoying a fun long weekend with family & friends.
Happy thanksgiving day to you and your family.
Since most of our readers will be enjoying the holiday, I want to save Excel awesomeness for next week. Meanwhile, lets have our very first Ask me anything [AMA].
Ask me anything.. what is it?
It is very simple. In the comments section, you can ask me anything. I will reply to you.
Anything from Excel to my life, SUMPRODUCT to C23.. you get the drift.
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This is rare folks. We have an off-topic thread!!! Since, the next football world-cup is not until next version of Excel and since, I find myself watching a lot of it these days, I thought why not fool around on a Friday with an offtopic discussion?!? So here it goes, what are your favorite teams […]
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