All articles in 'hacks' Category

Learn how to conditionally format Chart Data Labels without VBA
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Over the last month we have seen some Excel Tips, Tricks, Cheats & Hacks presented by some of the best Excel practitioners on the internet.
In this final post of the series we highlight the Readers Contributions.

Over the past 3 weeks we have been able to showcase some Excel Tips, Tricks, Cheats and Hacks from some of the best excel practitioners on the net.
But now it’s your turn…
Apply Conditional Formatting using Slicers

Have you ever wondered about applying different Spreadsheet Formats or Styles to reports which you may be send to different people and so the styling may be different for each recipient?
I haven’t, but in this post I will show how you can add it to your worksheets.
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Learn some Excel Tips, Tricks, Cheats & Hacks from some Notable [Non-MVP] Excel Websites.
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Excel Tips, Tricks, Cheats & Hacks – Excel Ninja Edition
Learn some of the Excel Ninja’s favorite Excel Tips, Tricks, Cheats & Hacks

Learn some of the Microsoft Excel MVP’s favorite Excel Tips, Tricks, Cheats & Hacks in this post
Excel Tips, Tricks, Cheats & Hacks – Microsoft MVP Edition
Howdy folks. Jeff here, bringing you a Public Service Announcement: Thanks to the magic of VBA , Structured PivotTable References are coming to a PivotTable near you! Structured References for PivotTables? So what? Well, because PivotTables are the best bit of ‘old’ Excel, and Tables are the best thing about ‘new’ Excel, and it’s about […]
Continue »Howdy folks. Jeff here. I recently gave a presentation on Excel efficiency to a bunch of analysts, in which – among other things – I’d pointed out that if you ever find yourself having to switch calculation to Manual, there’s probably something wrong with your spreadsheet. Here’s the slide: This prompted one of the […]
Continue »Howdy folks. Jeff Weir here, borrowing the keys of Chandoo’s blog so I can drive home a serious public service announcement. At Chandoo’s excellent post What are best Excel interview questions? you’ll find some great comments to help you land that next job, in the rare case that the someone interviewing you actually knows something […]
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The Properties button on the Developer Tab in Excel 2007/10 can be used to access a number of Worksheet properties normally only available through VBA and even a few which aren’t available through VBA.
Lets take them for a spin.

Yesterday I have learned this cool excel charting trick and I cant wait to share it with you all. The problem: I have too many charts & want to show one based on selection You have made 3 charts to show your company performance in the last 8 years. But you don’t want to clutter […]
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In Petal Charts – an Alternative to Radar Charts I have suggested using a radar chart tweak to replace the radar charts. Both PTSBlog and Information Ocean have posted their critical reviews of these petal charts. So as a penance for proposing petals, I am going to provide a tutorial on creating a comparison table […]
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Gauges are a familiar metaphor, everyone can understand them, you can see them everywhere – near your stove, ac, car, gaming console, pc – you name it. So, when you are preparing a chart to tell a point, gauge chart like the one above can be effective. (I know charting pros like Jon Peltier wouldn’t […]
Continue »Here is a quick excel tip to make your charts look professional by showing symbols in the axis labels instead of text. Just follow these 4 simple steps: First identify the symbols you want to show on the axis or as data label from symbol fonts like webdings, wingdings or a custom dingbat font like […]
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