Archive for April, 2019
How to sort left to right in Excel (quick tip)

Imagine you are in a life sustaining planet named Pearth, in another galaxy. One day you got to work, fired up Excel (hey, what else would you use? Excel is the best data software in any galaxy ) and started working.
You came across a dataset that need sorting, but left to right – horizontally.
Now what? Do you turn your monitor sideways?
Continue »There is an Easter Egg in this Power BI report

Its Easter time. At, I have tradition of publishing Easter Egg hunts since 2009. This is the first time our Easter egg hunt is on Power BI. Changing times, eh?
Continue »VLOOKUP multiple matches – trick

We all know that VLOOKUP can find first match and return the results. But what if you want all the matches? Use this simple trick instead.
Continue »Source vs. Use of Funds – 14 charting alternatives

Let’s say you manage a fund or charity. You get money from various places and you use that money for various reasons. How do you tell the story of source vs. uses of funds? In this post, let’s review 14 charting options. Source vs. Use of funds – Sample Data for this problem Let’s say […]
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