Archive for July, 2018

I recently finished a long consulting gig with one of the government ministries in New Zealand. Guess what I was doing? HR Analytics and Reporting. In this post, I want to share my top 5 Excel tips for HR people, based on what I learned in the last 18 months.
Specifically, we will cover:
- Gathering and structuring Employee data in Excel
- How to use Power Query to collect data
- Polish / clean data in Power Query
- Bring cleaner data to Excel as refreshable table
- Answering questions about employees
- Using Excel formulas such as COUNTIFS, SUMIFS, AVERAGEIFS
- Pivot tables for data analysis
- Understanding the results quickly with conditional formatting
- Understanding pay gap
- Calculating gender pay gap
- Visualize pay gap
- Creating salary distribution charts
- Working with histogram charts in Excel 2016 / Office 365
- Making interactive charts
- Generating letters thru mail merge
- Calculating employee bonus based on bonus mapping logic
- Creating 100s of letters with a single click using Mail Merge + Word
Sounds interesting? Read on for details.
Continue »Calculate travel time and distance between two addresses using Excel + Maps API

Ever wanted to calculate distance using Excel – between two locations (physical addresses)? If we know the addresses, we can go to either Google Maps or Bing Maps and type them out to find the distance and travel time. But what if you are building some model (or calculator) and want to find out the […]
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Would you like to spend next 5 minutes learning how to create an mutual fund tracker excel sheet?
Make a live, updatable mutual fund portfolio tracker for Indian markets to keep track of your investments using this example.
Continue »Play spreadsheet soccer with Excel Penalty Game [VBA]
![Play spreadsheet soccer with Excel Penalty Game [VBA]](
We love spreadsheets. And of course, once every four years, we also get mad about soccer. So why not merge both of them in to one awesome, frivolous and fun thing: Introducing….
The best part is you don’t have to run up to play this. Set your aim and let RANDBETWEEN() decide your fate.
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