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Archive for December, 2017

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2018 [Holiday Card]

Published on Dec 22, 2017 in personal
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2018 [Holiday Card]

Hellow there…

I wish you a merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2018. May your holidays be filled with joy, togetherness, celebrations and fulfillment. May your new year be filled with hope, energy and awesomeness.

I want to tell you how thankful I am for all your support in this year. Each time you click, visit, read, comment, share, view, listen, purchase, subscribe, follow, question, discuss or email, my heart is filled with gratitude and happiness. Thank you for all the love and support. 2017 has been another amazing year in Chandoo.org journey and I owe this to you.

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How much long service bonus to pay? [Homework]

Published on Dec 8, 2017 in Formula Challenges

‘Tis Friday and it is too hot in my home office to stand and type a longish post. So, let’s keep this skirtish (short and pretty).

How would you calculate long service bonus?

Let’s say you are HR manager at BigLargeInc. and you are looking at Julia’s service details. You have her employment start date, current date, her leave without pay details, as shown below.


You need to calculate how many days of continuous service Julia had (ie total service – duration on leave without pay). How would you write the formula?

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5 conditional formatting top tips – Excel basics

Published on Dec 5, 2017 in Excel Howtos, Learn Excel
5 conditional formatting top tips – Excel basics

Time for another round of unconditional love. Today, let’s learn about conditional formatting top tips. It is one of the most useful and powerful features in Excel. With just a few clicks of conditional formatting you can add powerful insights to your data. Ready to learn the top tips? Read on.

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Filter all records for November or 11AM or 2017 [quick tip]

Published on Dec 4, 2017 in Quick Tip
Filter all records for November or 11AM or 2017 [quick tip]

Imagine you are the first officer at ship terminal αε974F1 on remote planet Alderaan. Your job involves looking at terminal log to see anomalies in time space continuum. So one day after getting to work late, thanks to crazy traffic on the floating super way in your settlement, you are looking at latest terminal log for αε974F1 on Excel (of course Excel, what else are you going to use? Notepad?!?) and want to check all the records logged at 7 AM on any day. You don’t have all the time in universe to filter records one at a time. You don’t want to write a formula or something else as it is too early in the morning and the nearest Starbucks is 7 light years away. So what would you do?

Use filters of course.

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