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Archive for March, 2008

Pulsar Mania – Bajaj’s new kickass advertisement

Published on Mar 10, 2008 in advertising, business, India

Bajaj has always been a smart advertiser and brand promoter. Generations of people have grown up watching their ads and whenever you see one of them you always feel happy inside. The brand and some of the bikes stand for what India is and what our values are. Be it the humara Bajaj or Feel […]

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Red is new black … or what?

Published on Mar 5, 2008 in advertising, america, Humor, pics

I am moved to stage 3 of desi migration to ishtates. That is I traveled here, applied for SSN and now ready for a car. So for the last 2 weeks or so I am spending most of my time of craigslist looking for a prospective set of wheels that could hold me for the […]

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IT Mafia – hilarious spoof on Indian IT Industry

Published on Mar 4, 2008 in Humor, India, Movies-Books, technology

Excellent work by Tri-podders again… See it to believe. Extremely NSFW 😀 IT Mafia Part 1 IT Mafia Part 2 IT Mafia Part 3 Also see Anukokunda o Mandu Party part 1 & part 2

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