
11 Excel Trackers & Templates to help you Rock 2011

excel apps - 8 comments

We are just a few days away from 2011. New year always brings hope, cheer, joy and revitalizes us. So naturally many of us embark on journeys with new goals, resolutions, things to do.

Naturally, Excel can help us better manage the new year. In this post, I am featuring 11 templates so that you can have a rocking 2011.

1. New Year Resolution Tracker Template

New Year Resolution Tracker Template - snapshot

New year means new hopes, ambitions and resolutions. This handy template helps you monitor your new year resolutions and shows progress as you check items.

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2. Annual Goal Tracker Worksheet

Annual Goal Tracker Worksheet - snapshot

An Excel tracker to help you keep track of annual goals at work. Shows progress as you mark goals as completed.

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3. Simple To-do List using Excel

Simple To-do List using Excel - snapshot

A simple to-do list template to help you keep lists of items to be done and them remove them as you finish working.

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4. Holiday Gift List Tracker

Holiday Gift List Tracker - snapshot

Using this holiday gift list, you can keep track of overall budget, gifts bought and see where you are overspending. Pretty cool.

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5. 2011 Yearly Calendar

2011 Yearly Calendar - snapshot

This calendar comes in 6 flavors – 1 mini calendar, 1 monthly calendar, 4 yearly calendars. All of which look great, work well. Go ahead and download now.

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6. Expense Tracker Templates

7 Expense Tracker Templates - snapshot

Our readers designed 7 beautiful Expenses trackers to help you monitor your household expenses. Each tracker has several valuable features. Go ahead and download.

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7. Household Budget Tracker Template

Household Budget Tracker Template - snapshot

Another great household budget spreadsheet. As you can guess, I love keeping track of expenses and spending as little as possible. Excel obviously helps me a better saver, investor and family-man.

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8. Expense Tracker using Google Spreadsheet Forms

Expense Tracker using Google Spreadsheet Forms - snapshot

You can simplify the process of expense tracking even more using Google forms. You can record expenses from anywhere using the interactive form and then monitor the expenses or analyze them right from Google spreadsheets.

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9. Calculate Expense Breakups using this Excel Template

Calculate Expense Breakups using this Excel Template - snapshot

Whenever you do a group activity, the boring part of expense sharing comes up eventually. You can use this simple Excel template to find out expense breakup and how much each person owes to others.

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10. Mutual Fund Portfolio Tracker

Mutual Fund Portfolio Tracker - snapshot

[India Only]. Mutual Funds are one of Indians’ favorite investment option. This excel tracker helps you monitor NAVs of your units.

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11. Stock Portfolio Tracker Template

Stock Portfolio Tracker Template - snapshot

Many of us keep track of investment portfolios using Excel. Using this workbook, you can track latest prices of your stocks. This workbook uses macros to search web for the latest price of your company share.

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Premium Templates to help you Even More

If you like the above template, you will love my premium excel templates. Get Excel Project Management Templates or Excel Wedding Planner Template. They are awesome.

What trackers / templates you are planning to use?

Most of my work in 2011 will involve project management, tracking tons of todo items, keeping track of my training schedules (fitness) and monitoring my investments. Needless to say, I will be using Excel extensively to keep me sane.

What about you? Please share the list of items you wish to track and how you are planning to use Excel for the same? Also, feel free to post links to your favorite excel trackers around the web. Go ahead and leave a comment.

More Templates & Trackers

For more templates visit,


Hello Awesome...

My name is Chandoo. Thanks for dropping by. My mission is to make you awesome in Excel & your work. I live in Wellington, New Zealand. When I am not F9ing my formulas, I cycle, cook or play lego with my kids. Know more about me.

I hope you enjoyed this article. Visit Excel for Beginner or Advanced Excel pages to learn more or join my online video class to master Excel.

Thank you and see you around.

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8 Responses to “11 Excel Trackers & Templates to help you Rock 2011”

  1. [...] has been using a spreadsheet to keep track of his ambitious vacation to-do list, so I put the New Year’s Resolution Tracker in front of him and told him it is his. He’s a spreadsheet geek, too, so he’s actually excited [...]

  2. Amol Ghadage says:


    Hi Chandoo, you are simply great. Could plz send me Sales dashboard samples ( IncludingTarget Vs Achievement report, Performance report month wise, product wise etc )

    Amol Ghadage

  3. Dhananjay Patil says:

    Hi Chandoo
    I have no word to salute you.
    I am investing some money through monthly SIPs(Systematic Investment Plan) in more than four mutual fund . But it is very difficult to keep track record of each SIP in written format.I am not so computer literate therefore I cannot create any Exel table to keep the track record of SIP. I had seen your Mutual Fund Portfolio Tracker in India Template. It is awesome! But it is not suitable for SIP. Could you please create such template which will help me to keep track record of my SIPs.

    Mr Dhananjay Patil

  4. [...] small pieces you will be surprised at what can be achieved. Utilize the resources found here and here to help with the process, because that’s exactly what it is, a [...]

  5. [...] small pieces you will be surprised at what can be achieved. (Utilize the resources foundhere and here to help with the [...]

  6. Puran says:

    Hi Chandoo,

    Do you havesomething in excel to  make a track or a planner to capture monthly leaves of the employee.

  7. srinivas says:

    Hi chandoo,
                       I wanted to automatically update stock rates open, high, low and close price in my each excell sheet each stock seperately. Can I do this?

  8. Sandeep says:

    Chandoo, man such a great work. Salute!!
    I needed a goal and sub task tracker. I came across the annual goal tracker. I changed it according to my requirement but it was a very strong base most of the formulas were already in place and brilliantly serves the purpose.

    One thing though, the formula for the progress bar where use are using column N, i could not track it. Any idea?

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