There are Easter Eggs in this Excel file!!!
Hello Friends…,
It is Easter time again. Every year, we at celebrate Easter by hunting for eggs (not in the wild, just in the Excel workbooks). This year too I have hidden 30 Excel tips in a workbook. You have to solve 3 puzzles to find them. So what are you waiting for. Go ahead and hunt for them eggs.
Click here to download the Easter eggs file.
I am sure you will enjoy them
If you are in mood for more adventure, hunt for the Easter eggs from past 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010 & 2009.
And yeah, its not too late to discover the Hidden Angry Formulas game in Excel (2007 and above)
Easter Egg photo from tillwe.

Hello Awesome...
My name is Chandoo. Thanks for dropping by. My mission is to make you awesome in Excel & your work. I live in Wellington, New Zealand. When I am not F9ing my formulas, I cycle, cook or play lego with my kids. Know more about me.
I hope you enjoyed this article. Visit Excel for Beginner or Advanced Excel pages to learn more or join my online video class to master Excel.
Thank you and see you around.
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68 Responses to “There are Easter Eggs in this Excel file!!!”
Puzzle 3: how do you come to 1221 as a solution?
Enable Word Wrap in the cell
Look at the first letters down the left side of the cell to read the clue
I got puzzle 1 & 2 but cant get 3
Got 3 lol
Tip for puzzle 3 please?
it feels like cheating though...
If I hadn't learned about Formula Auditing from Chandoo, I doubt I would have solved all 3; but I did. However, I don't totally understand the 3rd clue. Much fun though!
Puzzle 3 was awesome!! Super creative Chandoo
i could not understand the puzzle
Me neither, Jay
Unfortunately I couldn't either...
How about a hint so we can enjoy the Easter Eggs too...;-)
Okay. Here are the hints for each puzzle.
Puzzle 1: Sometimes a cell has more to say. May be it is customized
Puzzle 2: A form control and the linked cell are made for each other.
Puzzle 3: If you cant wrap, may be you should go to home.
another clue for Puzzle 1 Please
The answer is literally in the question
read it carefully
kindly help me out on puzzle - 3
Hi Chandoo!!!
I am a silent follower on your tricks. Have learned immensely from your blogs.
I was able to crack it (and surprisingly, within <10 mins time). This one was more on logical thinking whereas I feel that the hidden egg puzzle from last year were a lot more fun to track.
Keep up the Awesome work!!!
Hi Chandoo!
Though the eggs are as old as more than five years, still I feel the taste! Thanks for renewing. Always Enjoy the Easter Eggs.
Ok, I'm racking my brain trying to figure out Puzzle 3... I dont want answers.. but maybe a hint??
I tried a bunch of dates d-mmm , including the hint dates and Easter etc... still nothing.
Hints anyone?
I solved all 3 and i see the eggs, but i can't click on the "eggs" because the sheet is protected. What do i do wrong?
Hmm.. I tested the links and they are clickable. Did you place the download file in a trusted folder (downloads folder is not trusted, so move the file to something like my documents or desktop).
I kept them on desktop. Still not clickable.
I had to unprotect the Easter egg worksheet to get the links to work (clickable). There is no password to enter, so you just need to click the Unprotect Sheet button on the Review Tab.
Awesome content Chandoo!! But facing the same problem as Henk. Links are not opening..
Funny .. and enjoyed too...
Still one puzzle is unsolved from my end..
"Why top 10 links are from from old topic.. "
The real Easter eggs are the puzzles. So I spent most of my time on creating them. By then it was time to publish, the tips have to be rehashed. But they are good ones too
Puzzle 3 was very clever. Teaching my fourth graders to look for patterns helped.
Solved....I like the first one ...
3 one was creative....
Done in 10 min, without any cheatcode..... Excellent stuff
Solved only Puzzle 2…
Not idea about remaining two… any hint guys..
Hi Pulkit ,
Try to find out more about the tab labelled Eggs.
Yayy yayyy.... Thank you Chandoo... A hot summer afternoon made fun...
Mágic Chandoo, did & enjoyed. Would you come to Brazll to world Cup? If no, can you propose a Cup table?
Brilliant, Chandoo, and thank you for taking the time to enrich all our lives.
very creative ideas.
[…] the Easter bunny didn’t bring you anything, you can find hidden eggs in Chandoo’s Excel tips […]
I cant click on the eggs. They are protected. I have tried using this on my desktop but couldnt click on them. Please help
I had to unprotect the Easter egg worksheet to get the links to work (clickable). There is no password to enter, so you just need to click the Unprotect Sheet button on the Review Tab.
I tried this and it was password protected so I am unable to work the links!
Very nice, thanks Chandoo.
I have wrapped the text for 3rd puzzle but could not get the answer... any hint?
I got 2 & 3 but dont understand 1 at all
the problem is once you unlock the eggs the sheet is protected so you cant "use" the eggs (trying not to give away the secret).
I was able to get the Eggs tab to appear, but unprotecting does not work for me. I enter through the password box, but this does not unprotect.
That was fun. Thanks for the fun easter egg hunt!
I also cant unprotect the sheet to click on the links.
Keep it simple and it'll work!
Nice message.
Struggling with #3 and I can't unprotect any worksheets, as everything is password protected - with a password. Is there a different approach for Mac users?
Nevermind - I figured out #3, but I can't unprotect the Eggs worksheet to make the links clickable. I'll just copy & paste.
Interesting game.
I am wondering if you have protected the "Eggs" intentionally so that you know if we could really solve all the puzzles and find the "Eggs". ;p
Not able to unprotect the sheet
Puzzles were awesome but only with the help of formula auditing
@All.. When I tested the file, I could click on the links in Eggs sheet. Since some of you are facing issues, follow this:
1. Unprotect the eggs sheet with password easter2014
2. Click on the links.
Alternatively, follow the links here too:
Thank you!
i cant understand puzzle 3 please explain me
Below are the answers
1) Type : (correct value) in column C8....... Puzzle 1
2) Type : (184) in column C17....... Puzzle 2
2) Type : (1221) in column C23....... Puzzle 3
2 was that simple? Dang, I made a function to loop through the shapes on the page to get the name of the scrollbar and then made another to change its maximum value
Just did it.. A mind blowing puzzle.
Hi Chandoo,
Must say it was very creative. As always you used the very simple to make it look complex.
Got all 3, the first one is very literal in meaning.
Great Job. Thanks for the easter eggs.
Hello the answers for 1 & 2 but couldnt just figure out the 3rd one ..can you please gimme one more clue
go to the clue cell and turn off word-wrap. read first letter for each line
Solved the puzzle, but unable to open the links on the 2nd worksheet.
I can't figure out how to adjust the Properties of the scroll bar in #2 to allow me to increase the range. Sure, I could just type 184 in cell C17, but seems to be cheating.
Simply type the value into the cell
The instructions say "Use the scroll bar to select 184". If I just type "184" in cell C17, I achieve the desired results, but I have not followed the directions. I have also not learned anything new in Excel. I was expecting to have to modify the scroll bar properties to allow for a broader range. But I cannot figure out how to select the scrollbar to even see its properties. That may be because the sheet is protected. Should I just "get over it" and move on?
I am not privy to Chandoo's logic, So I believe so
As Hui pointed, the correct way to solve this is to enter value in C17. I wanted to showcase the nature of relationship between form controls & linked cells thru this. Even though one of them stops at 183, you can change the other (and effectively have scrollbar at 184).
[…] Easter Egg hunt 2014 […]