Easter is around the corner. After what seemed like weeks of lousy weather, finally the sun shone today. I capitalized on the day by skipping work, walking kids to school, taking Jo out for some shopping, enjoying a leisurely walk / cycling with Nishanth in the park and almost forgetting about the blog. But it is dark now and before tucking the kids in, let me post a short but interesting home work problem.
Let’s say you are HR manager at Egg Co. and you are looking at the vacation plans of your team.
Easter is your busiest time and it would be a bummer if a majority of your staff are on leave during the Easter season (14th of April to 28th of April, 2017). So you want to know how many people are on leave. A snapshot of your data (table name: lvs) is shown above.
Click here to download the sample file.
You want to answer below three questions:
- How many employees are on leave during Easter holidays (14th of April to 28th of April)?
- How many employees are on approved vacation during Easter holidays?
- How many employees in “Team ninja” are on approved leave during Easter holidays? Assume team employee numbers are in named range ninja