
Welcome to Chandoo.org.
My mission is to make you AWESOME in your work.

Hello, Namaste & Kia Ora. Welcome to Chandoo.org. 

My name is Chandoo. My mission is to make you awesome in Excel and Power BI.
I do this by sharing Excel & Power BI tutorials, examples, tips, videos and articles on this website. I live in Wellington, New Zealand with my beautiful wife Jo & our twins Nishanth & Nakshatra. Take a minute to browse various topics of the site to see how I can help you.

Thank you and welcome.

Pivot Tables & Charts

Distinct count in Excel pivot tables

Ever wanted to count distinct values in your pivot tables? Something like above:

Let’s say you have store sales data. Several products are sold on each day. When you make a pivot table from this data and add product count, Excel counts all products. But we want to see just the distinct count (ie if there is a duplicate product in a day, we want to count it just once).

Here is a simple trick to add distinct count to Excel pivot tables easily.

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Budget vs. Actual Chart
Charts and Graphs

Beautiful Budget vs. Actual chart to make your boss love you

Call them by any name – Budget vs. Actual, Target vs. Actual, Goal vs. Progress, KPIs, Performance charts, but they are the bread and butter of business charting. So how about a drop dead gorgeous and insightful chart for your next meeting with the folks upstairs? Something like above.

Read on to learn how to create this chart in Excel.

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Charts and Graphs

60 sports in six charts

On twitter I follow many charting and visualization related accounts. One of them is @Andy Kriebel, who runs Makeover Monday. The idea is simple. Every Monday they publish a data-set and ask the community to visualize. Last Monday (7th May, 2018), they have published about toughest sport by skill data. This categorizes 60 sports by 10 skill categories to find out which sport is the toughest. Over the weekend, Andy posted a summary of all toughest sport viz entries. Many of the entries are made in Tableau. I thought it would be a fun challenge to re-create some of these charts in Excel. The result is this post. 60 sports in 6 charts. Check out the charts and download workbook to learn more.

First four charts are re-creations of Tableau designs. Last two are mine.

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Power BI

May the POWER BI with you [Star Wars Day Viz]

It is star wars day. Let’s celebrate the ultimate nerd day of the known universe in a way that resonates with us. Let’s dress up as storm troopers and make exploding 3d pie charts.

Just kidding. Let’s just make a cool visualization in Power BI instead.

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Pivot Tables & Charts

A trick to Pivot text values

We all know that Pivot Tables are best thing since avocado on toast. But they can’t slice text values and spread them in a table with Pivots. So how to take a large blob of text and turn it in to something meaningful like above?

Simple, we use Power Query.

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Time series analysis and interactive forecasting in Excel – Sample video from 50 ways course

Are you hungry from some Excel awesomeness? It’s launch time. I am very happy to announce that our most popular analytics online class – 50 ways to analyze data is opening up for enrollments in first week of May 2018. As the name suggests, 50 ways program is all about data and making sense of it. You will learn many ways to analyze, visualize and present data to your clients and superiors. Next time someone asks you, “Can you look at this data and tell us what is going on?” you can confidently say YES.

Learn all about 50 ways program and signup for the waiting list.

In this article, Let me show case one of the examples from 50 ways to analyze data course and how it can help you.

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Top 5 keyboard shortcuts for Excel Charts

We all know that learning a few keyboard shortcuts can speedup your Excel game. Most pro users rely on a handful shortcuts when working with large spreadsheets. But when it comes to charting, we automatically reach for mouse. But do you know that you can use few simple shortcuts to do most day to day chart related things?

Ready for top 5 keyboard shortcuts for Excel charts? Read on.

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Learn Excel Step by Step

Everything from Power Query to Dashboards, Shortcuts to Formulas, Pivots to Charts in one course.


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Excel & Power BI for you

What people say about Chandoo.org

A relative told me about your website since I need help creating pivot tables, I learned how to do it in a matter of minutes thanks to your tutorial. Where have you been all of my excel troubled life, I look forward to viewing your videos on youtube as well as on your site. You are going to make me EXCELLENT at Excel!
Soulful Sista
Excel Sister
Hi Chandoo, I just want to say I really appreciate your Excel tutorials and all your hard work that it took to compile the huge library of content. Your site has helped me gain a better understanding of Excel which has helped me in my job. You are helping the world!
Felix H
Throughout my life as an administrative assistant; your site has been invaluable to me. And now that I’m a recruiter; it’s still an amazing resource for when I need to teach someone something quickly. You are a friggin’ Rock Star!!! Thank you for everything you do.
Jason S

Courses for you


Excel School

Learn how to work with data, make calculations, pivots, create amazing charts and powerful dashboards from scratch using Excel School + Dashboards program. Suitable for analysts, managers or professionals who need to use Excel often.


VBA Classes

Use VBA to automate your tasks and build powerful spreadsheet based apps. In this course, learn all about how to program with VBA, how to use the language and object model to your advantage. Suitable for people who build a lot of things with Excel.


Power BI

Power BI, the newest technology from Microsoft is a game changer. You can build rich, interactive and informative displays for your audience using Power BI. In this course, learn all about Power BI, Power Query and Power Pivot and how to combine them to achieve awesome results.

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