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CP03: The Ugly Truth About Power BI (actually, 4 of them)


The ugly truth about Power BI (Chandoo.org Podcast Episode)

Power BI is one of the most prominent data analytics technology out there.

Power BI is also one of the most marketed and hyped technology out there.

Unfortunately, both of these statements are true.

In a world where data is the buzz word, Power BI (or other similar platforms like Tableau) appeal to CXOs as panacea for all their data troubles.

But, just as any technology, Power BI too has it’s own shortcomings. So in this episode of my podcast, let’s uncover 4 ugly truths of Power BI.

I want to preface this discussion with a huge note of thanks & gratitude for what Power BI offers. It is a beautiful technology with a few patches of ugliness.

Episode outline:

  • ONE: Power BI is not one technology, even though it is marketed as one.
  • TWO: Power BI changes frustratingly often. This makes it a hard technology to learn and use.
  • THREE: Power BI can get prohibitively expensive as your organization & data needs evolve.
  • FOUR: Power BI visuals / outputs are unimpressive.

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Chandoo.org Podcast - Become Awesome in Data Analytics

Want to be an AWESOME DATA ANALYST? Chandoo.org Podcast is the place to go. Learn how to use popular Data Analytics software like Power BI, Excel, SQL and more with your host Chandoo - an award winning author, speaker and YouTuber.

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