
CP048: How to create animated charts in Excel?



In the 48th session of Chandoo.org podcast, let’s make some animated charts!!!


What is in this session?

In this podcast,

  • Announcements
  • Why animate your charts?
  • Non-VBA methods to animate charts
    • Excel 2013’s built-in animation effects
    • Iterative formula approach
  • VBA based animation
    • Cartoon film analogy
    • Understanding the VBA part
  • Example animated chart – Sales of a new product
  • Resources and downloads for you

Listen to this session

Click here to download the MP3 file.

Resources for making animated charts

Example animated chart (shown in the title image):

Download example animated chart. Play with it to learn more.

More animated charts using Excel:

VBA Basics:

Non-VBA animation using formulas:

Animation without macros [for fun]


Transcript of this session:

Download this podcast transcript [PDF]

How do you create animated charts in Excel?

Now it’s your turn. Do you make animated charts? Please share your techniques and samples in the comments section. Wow us.


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    20 Responses to “CP048: How to create animated charts in Excel?”

    1. Raj says:

      Hi Chadoo,
      Awesome chart. I am really wondering from where are you getting such innovative ideas.


    2. Satya says:

      thanks for the informative podcast on Charts animation!
      it helped a lot to me.

      (based in VSKP, India)

    3. Manoj jain says:

      Thanks for this information.Very nicely explained

    4. Sai ram says:

      Hi Chandoo,

      Very useful information , it helps alot for presentations..

      CP048(based In hyderabad, India)

      • Pavan says:

        Hello Chandoo,

        This is really superb...As you always say, with these kind of tips and tricks you make us awesome...Your knowledge being "lent" to us in "Excel" will definitely make us "Excellent" 🙂

        CP048(Hyderabad, India).

    5. Vinay Soni says:

      Hi Chandoo,

      This info of animated charts is Awesome, very useful.

      (Based in Mumbai, Mulund)

    6. StarInfranet CEO Anand Mishra says:

      Hey Chandoo,

      Thanks for sharing the info, keep up the good work going.... I really enjoyed exploring your site. good resource..

    7. Rana Ahammed says:

      Hi Chandoo,

      This tutorial regarding animated charts is Awesome &very useful.

      But My macro Not working.

      It show a debug msg on size= 12 * [scale] line.
      Note: my step is 7.

      Can you please explain me briefly regarding this?

      Option Explicit

      Sub animate()
      Dim i As Long
      Dim size As Long

      size = 12 * [scale] (Problem is here)

      For i = 0 To size
      [step] = i / [scale]
      Next i

      End Sub

    8. Arvind says:

      Dear Chandoo,

      This is Arvind from Mumbai. Post my enrollment with your course and hearing on Iphone Podast, this (CP048) is really superb. As you always say, with these kind of tips and tricks you make us awesome. I am applying your thought process in other areas of life as well which would make awesome over there also.

      God Bless you as you have been enriching our life in excel.

      Thank you,
      Arvind Jain

    9. Rahul says:

      Hi Chandoo,

      I am a avid follower (more of a fan of the mighty Excel and your expertise).

      I use the resources and knowledge of this blog very frequently. Always a treat to visit your site / blog / resources.

      Baroda / Vadodara, India

    10. Jimmy says:

      Hi Chandoo,

      Based out of India, looking forward to the new book.

      All the best with the sales. And keep up the great job.


    11. Arun says:

      Hi Chandoo,

      I was watching all your videos in You Tube channel. First time listened podcast session CP048. I'm from India Bangalore if possible please share the book. It will be very useful for professional growth.

      You are so innovative and your helping tendcy by sharing the knowledge is very useful for me.

      Thanks, Arun

    12. Chandoo says:

      Thanks everyone for the comments and love.

      Congratulations to the 3 random winners - Satya, Pavan and Arvind. You will get your book shortly.

    13. Mangirish Nadkarni says:

      Hi Chandoo,

      I am from India and I was looking for this. Thanks for sharing a very valuable and useful info. I see the winners for the book are already decided. But I would surely buy this book.

    14. savithri says:

      Hello Chandoo

      I need to mention this. Thanks for making me really awesome in excel and your great techniques. What ever comments I get at workplace would like to dedicate to you.

      Heard your podcast video. Thanks for sharing and I would like to get the book as well. Where can I get it?


    15. Wunmi says:

      Really helpful podcast. Simply listening to you speak on this topic helped me get the concept behind animating charts. Thanks!

    16. Praveen says:

      Hi Chandoo,

      I am based out of Bangalore. I am so curious about your podcast its really interesting. Please let me know where I can get the book.

      Thanks & Regards,
      Praveen Kumar

    17. Momty says:

      Superb topic...loving it...Am from india

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