2012 has been the most awesome year since we started Chandoo.org.
The credit for this goes to our community of Excel users – that is you.
For practically every day of 2012, you have inspired me (and all of us at Chandoo.org) to learn something new, share and make you awesome. I know I say this many times, but I can never feel enough – Thank you for your support to Chandoo.org.
Apart from you, there are many other amazing people & companies that played a role in our success. In this post, let me highlight them & express my sincere gratitude.
People who helped me in 2012:
Teachers & Gurus:
Running a business, website & family requires a lot of motivation, fresh ideas & learning. Thanks to several wonderful teachers & inspiring individuals who gave me the strength I need this year.
Excel & Visualization Teachers:
Jon Peltier, Dick Kusleika, Debra Dalgleish, Mike Alexandar, Daniel Ferry, Robert Mundigl, Hui, Francis, Rob Collie, Bill Jelen and many more.
Chandoo.org Forum Members:
Hui, Sajan, NarayanK, BobHC, Faseeh, SirJB, Luke and all other regulars & Ninjas who contribute to my Excel knowledge everyday.
Business & Motivation
Andy Sernovitz, Darren Rowse, Yaro Starak, Avinash, Brandon Pearce, Alok, Pat, Chris, MrMoneyMustache, Jacob, Patrick and many more.
Amit Agarwal, John Gruber and many more sourced thru FlipBoard, Twitter & Pulse
As I was traveling quite a bit (1.5 months each in Thailand & Australia and few weeks with in India) I could not read as much as I wanted to. But I did manage to read & learn from some amazing authors, books. Special thanks to these wonderful authors.
- Chris Guillebeau $100 Startup
- Sam Walton Made in America
- Daniel Kahneman Thinking Fast & Slow
- Benjamin Graham Intelligent Investor
- Bill Bryson Down Under
- John F. Love McDonalds – Behind the arches
- Danielle S. Fairhurst Business Analysis using Excel
- Rob Collie DAX Formulas for PowerPivot
- Bill Jelen PowerPivot in Excel
And many other…
Note: All the book links to Amazon are affiliate links. That means, if you purchase something after clicking on them, I get a few cents
Partners, Affiliates & Supporters
To make Chandoo.org successful, I collaborate with many great minds in this industry. Some of these remarkable people are,
Chandoo.org Partners
- Danielle at Plum Solutions (and her assistant Susan) helped me arrange first ever Excel & Dashboard classes in Australia.
- Paramdeep at Pristine Education (and their staff) helped us offer various financial modeling training programs thru Chandoo.org.
- Daniel Ferry at ExcelHero.com helped me offer Excel School training along with his academy so that many of you could become awesome in Excel.
- Ankush at ActiKnow Consulting for helping many of our clients with custom Excel solutions.
Our Affiliates:
This year was great for many of our affiliates too. Thanks to their support, we had more customers and they had more revenues. Some of our most prominent affiliates are,
Dashboard Spy, Francis, Daniel Ferry, Debra Dalgleish, Philip, Ken Puls, Oscar, Jimmy Pena, Victor Chan, Alan Murray and many more.
Our Supporters:
Many people selflessly spend their time & energy promoting our cause – to make you awesome. My sincere thanks and love goes to,
Hui, SirJB, BobHC, Luke, Faseeh, Sajan, Narayank and all our Forum regular members & Ninjas.
Special thanks to Fabrice, Robert, Oscar & others who regularly to link to us and spread the good word.
Special thanks to Kumara Swamy from Telegraph India for featuring me in an article this year.
Customers & Readers
This year, close to 5,000 of you blessed me with your product purchases from us. More than 55,000 of you are now part of our RSS / Newsletter community. Many more continue to join us each day. Thank you so much for inviting me in to your life & taking time to learn from us.
Many thanks to KPMG, Renault Nissan, Ecobank, SEEK, and many other corporate clients for supporting us this year.
I am also thankful to our Excel forum members.
Special thanks to
- Attendees of various live classes conducted by me this year in Perth, Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane & Chennai.
- People in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane & Perth who met me when I was in Australia.
- People in Chennai who met me for coffee.
- Hui & Family, Danielle & Family for sharing some of my evenings very nice and memorable.
Our Staff
Most of what we did at Chandoo.org not even remotely possible without of staff. I am amazed at their level of commitment and support to our mission to make you awesome. My heartfelt thanks to,
- Ravindra: for helping with various training enrollments, emails & customer service
- Vijay: for teaching VBA
- Sameer: for answering student doubts in training programs
- Sujatha: for providing customer care & email support
- Pothi: for taking care of our server & site infrastructure
- Chittibadrayya: for taking care of all the book-keeping & accounting aspect of our business
Special thanks to Neel (our iPhone developer) too.
Websites & Companies that helped me in 2012
I am thankful to Microsoft for making Excel so awesome.
I am also thankful to,
Email & Productivity: Google, iPhone
Website, Hosting & E-commerce: WordPress, GoDaddy, Wishlist Member, KnownHost, Amazon, PayPal, E-Junkie, 2Checkout, EBS
Community & Connection: Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, Skydrive
Software: Paint.NET, Mozy, Notepad ++, Camtasia & Snagit, Skype
There are many other software, companies and websites that help me every day. I am really thankful to each and every one of these. Detailed listing here.
Last but not least…
There is someone else that deserve utmost thanks for everything I do at Chandoo.org.
- My family: Jo & kids support me and Chandoo.org in numerous ways. They shower me with love, humor and support everyday so that I can be awesome at what I do.
- All my close friends & relatives: for supporting me & encouraging me to do better.
PS… something for you:
Here is a nice little surprise for you. Go ahead and download it. Unlock the secret message.
PS: Incase you have difficulty downloading the file, see it in action here.
10 Responses to “People & Websites that Helped me in 2012 [Thank you message]”
Thank you for everything you provided opportunities to learn a lot from your website.
Convey our regards to your family and entire Chenadoo.org family
Hi Chandoo,
I discovered your site only recently but it continues to show me how much there is to learn.
Many thanks for that,
Good luck in 2013.
PS : How do you format your workbooks - such as this particular one - so the user cannot see the cell content (without actually clicking on the cell) even when changing cell fill and other formatting.
Thanks Chandoo, and Happy New Year!
All the best to you and your fantastic team and network in 2013. I love monitoring your forum which I learn from all the time. I also continue to appreciate your VBA Course which I did a few years back and revisit from time to time and learn from afresh. You and Vijay did a great job on that one and I hope you will do a live version one day - perhaps in that fantastic coastal Visag area you live in!
First of all
Thank you very much Chandoo and team. I learn infinite techniques from this site.
one question pertaining to the special-message.xlsx How to show/hide the rectangular shape? (shape appear only if scroll value==100%)
Thanks & Regards,
Hi Imran,
The text box is not hidden. It has a message linked to a cell. So if the cell is blank, the text box seems like it is invisible. See here for a tutorial on how to do this:
Thank you for mentioning us in this post. We're happy to have been able to help you! Happy holidays from the 2Checkout team
Thank you Chandoo!
Dear Chandoo,

this is nearly a perfect way to say good bye 2012. your blog are always every motivational and helpful for people who want to learn excel and start unconventional life.
Keep doing this ....Best of Luck
Came to know about your site from my colleague Harpreet. Awesome...
You and your site has kindled the interest I had in Excel. If not awesome, I am on the way to becoming one..
ravi shankar pammi