
Sachin Tendulkar ODI Stats – an Excel Info-graphic Poster



Sachin Tendulkar is undoubtedly the best cricketers to play One Day International Cricket. He is a source of inspiration and joy for me and many others. So, naturally I was jumping with joy when I heard that he scored the highest ever runs in a single match on 24th of Feb. He scored 200 runs (first ever double century in one day cricket), batted for all the 50 overs and remained not out. A true symbol of passion and excellence. [his cricinfo profile, commentary on 200 score]

But what has all this got to do with Excel? Well, some of you know that I am fan of Sachin. Last time he became the highest scorer in test cricket, we celebrated that with a dashboard of test cricket statistics. Similarly, now too, I have prepared an info-graphic poster on Sachin showcasing his achievements. See it below,

[if the below image is kind of messed up, click here to see it in full]

Behind the poster:

I have made this poster in Excel 2010 (it has sparklines, that is why). The data is from Cricinfo’s statsguru page.

Download the original poster excel file (you need Excel 2007 or above to play with this).

Also, if you want to see the entire poster as one image click here.

Congratulate Sachin

Sachin is a hero in my world. He has been inspiring me to do better for the last 20 years. I am sure some of you are inspired by his passion, commitment and excellence in the Sport of Cricket. Join me and congratulate him.

Previous Visualization Projects

From time to time, I indulge in some fun visualization projects where we push the limits of Excel to do something awesome. Some of the earlier attempts are,

Flu trends chart in Excel | History of Excel – a timeline | Visualizing Olympic Medals since 1900.


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    12 Responses to “Sachin Tendulkar ODI Stats – an Excel Info-graphic Poster”

    1. Geoff says:

      A great tribute to one of the greatest batsmen's in Cricket history.

      Thanks Chandoos!

    2. Daniel Ferry says:

      A fantastic poster, Chandoo. I suspect most people would assume it was done in Adobe Illustrator.

      Great work!

      Daniel Ferry

    3. [...] Visit his post to download the excel file: Sachin Tendulkar Statistics Excel Infographic Poster [...]

    4. [...] Courtesy: Wikipedia.org >> Chandoo.org [...]

    5. Prasanna says:

      Awesome man .....super work

    6. [...] Wikipedia.org >> Chandoo.org ← Previous Next [...]

    7. [...] Kummi in Blog, Dashboard, Excel, Infographic | No Comments Jan252012 Chandoo.org published an infographic poster created in Excel. As a big fan of Tendulkar, I really liked this [...]

    8. [...] Via Tags:  europe,  football, european league, soccer, sports © 2012 Latest Infographics /* */ [...]

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