
Video Tutorial on Interactive Dashboard using Hyperlinks



Few days ago, we published an article on how to create interactive dashboards using hyperlinks. Many of you loved this tutorial. But quite a few of you also said, this tutorial is a bit complex to follow.

So, I made a short video explaining how the UDF and interactive hyperlinks work and how our dashboard is weaved together.

Watch Video Tutorial on Interactive Dashboard in Excel

Click here to watch the video on our YouTube Channel.

Download Example File used in the Video

Click here to download the example file & play with it. It contains additional example on hyperlinks to help you understand this better.

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    13 Responses to “Video Tutorial on Interactive Dashboard using Hyperlinks”

    1. sriganeshh says:


      example file download link is not there...please can you check


    2. Chandoo says:

      @Sriganeshh... thanks for pointing that out. My bad. Please download the file from http://img.chandoo.org/d/rollover%20hyperlink%20demo-2.xlsm

    3. Biray says:

      Hello Chandoo,

      Can you add google + icons beside twitter & facebook icons. Because google plus is being common social media also. i would like to share it in my wall.



    4. Hui... says:


      I have uploaded a small modification to Chandoo's original file which allows for the display of different chart types and even pictures.

      You can find it here: http://chandoo.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/rollover-hyperlink-with-Pics-demo.xlsm

      It uses the same Camera Tool with a linked formula using Indirect technique to retrieve different Charts, Refer http://chandoo.org/wp/2008/11/05/select-show-one-chart-from-many/

    5. Geoff says:

      Sadly it doesn't seem like this technique works using Excel on a Mac 🙁

    6. Hui... says:

      The technique in the post uses VBA which isnt available in Office on the Mac, yet!

    7. Geoff says:

      Hui, what a shame :(.

      I'm stuck using the camera tool for now, and some kind of worksheet event macro....

      Do you are Chandoo know of any way to use the camera cell linking to graphs that are in hidden cells? It always blanks out for me. I guess I probably will need to link to a different tab, instead of hidden/grouped cells within a singular tab, but just wanted to check.

      Thanks again for your help Hui & Chandoo, this definitely is one of the best excel blogs online ever 🙂

    8. Hui... says:


      You can link up the Camera Tool as used in my links above, to formula which will return the various pictures without the use of VBA. The VBA was only used to sense the position of the cursor as it hovered above the drop down arrow cells.

      The Camera Tool only sees what you see, and so if some data is Hidden, it is also Hidden to the Camera Tool.

    9. tron piece says:

      Hi! Awesome tutorial.

      Question; I could not get the index function to work correctly until I put in the extra comma for "row_num' leaving the value null. I am curious why is this?

    10. Gem says:

      Thanks Chandoo, I will be using this!

    11. kobe says:

      hay there,
      the Interactive Dashboard is very cool but i cant make it work.
      I tried to build a new file filling all the instruction but the mouse cross over doesnt chane the values...

      any idea why?


    12. Dani says:

      Does it also work in 2003?

    13. […] Video Tutorial on Interactive Dashboard using Hyperlinks by Chandoo Use a mouse hovering technique to create an interactive chart by Oscar of Get-Digital-Help.com […]

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