2103 has been the most awesome year since starting Chandoo.org.
This year, more than 10 million people have visited Chandoo.org and took steps to become awesome. Every day of 2013 felt blessed, inspired and wholesome, thanks to your support, love and kindness. Thanks to my travels (USA & Malaysia), I could meet hundreds of our readers face to face and get to know them better.
Many many thanks to you for your support in 2013.
Apart from you, my reader, there are many others who helped me in the year 2013. This message is my way of thanking them.
People who helped me in 2013
Teachers & Gurus:
To run a business, web community & family it takes a lot of motivation, inspiration and energy. These people help me get that almost every day.
Excel Folks:
Hui, Jon Peltier, Debra Dalgleish, Mike Alexander, Dick Kuslieka, Rob Collie, Bill Jelen, Jordon Goldmeir, Colin Legg, Mike Girvin, Haseeb & Francis Hayes.
Forum Members:
SirJB7, Hui, Luke, Narayank, Bobhc, Debraj, Faseeh, Sajan, Shrivallabha, Kaushik and more. Special thanks to Jeff, Oldchippy & Smallman.
Business & Entrepreneurship:
James Altucher, MJ Demarco, Sir Richard Branson, MrMoneyMustache, Pat Flynn, Brandon Pearce
Authors & Books
Despite my travels, this year too I have managed to read a lot of books. Some of the authors & their notable books that inspired me are,
- Richard Branson – Losing my Virginity
- MJ Demarco – Millionaire Fast Lane
- Rob Collie – DAX formulas for Power Pivot (re-read many times)
- Eker T. Harv – Millionaire Mindset
- Joshua Foer – Moon-walking with Einstein
- Antonio Mendez – Argo
- George Mahood – Free Country
And many other…
Note: All the book links to Amazon are affiliate links. That means, if you purchase something after clicking on them, I get a few cents
Partners, Affiliates & Supporters
Running a business that can meet needs of millions of users is a big task. Thanks to my partners, affiliates and supporters, 2013 seemed like a breeze. I want to thank,
Robert Collie & Family: People say it is hard to find new friends as you cross 30. But Rob & Jocelyn Collie proved it otherwise. I first met Rob on Twitter in 2012. In early 2013, I invited him to teach a guest lesson in my Power Pivot online class. But the real friendship happened when I planned my live classes in USA. Rob offered to help me with on-ground logistics & co-teaching the class on PowerPivot. We became very good friends as soon as I landed in Cleveland in early May. The 3 months we spent in USA would have been very boring & dull had it not been for the Collies. I am really thankful to their wonderful hospitality, sharing nature and kindness. You are truly a great family.
Ms Chan, Jacqueline Wong & rest at PentaWise, Malaysia: Early this year, I got an email from Ms Chan asking ‘if I can live conduct classes in Malaysia’. I replied with a resounding YES, as Malaysia has been on my list of countries to visit. Finally in first week of October, I went to Kuala Lumpur to conduct a week-long class on Advanced Excel, Dashboards & Power Pivot. The whole experience was marvelous, thanks to thoughtful & kind support from Ms Chan, Ms Wong & rest of the team at PentaWise. They are full of smiles, passion and enthusiasm. And of course, their hospitality is unbelievably good. Thank you for your support.
Our Partners
- EduPristine: Paramdeep, Pawan & team at EduPristine help us in numerous ways. Thanks for making Chandoo.org customers awesome in Financial Modeling etc.
- Plum Solutions: For supporting our cause and recommending our courses to lovely readers in Australia and worldwide.
- MrExcel.com: for supporting our cause and recommending our courses to their amazing audience.
Our Affiliates:
This year was great for many of our affiliates too. Thanks to their support, we had more customers and they had more revenues. Some of our most prominent affiliates are,
Dashboard Spy, Francis, Daniel Ferry, Debra Dalgleish, Philip, Ken Puls, Oscar, Jimmy Pena, Victor Chan, Alan Murray and many more.
Thanks to YourStory & Satya for featuring Chandoo.org story in their magazine.
Thanks to Amazon Kindle Platform for letting me publish my book.
Customers & Readers
This year, more than 6,000 of you blessed me with your product purchases from us. More than 79,000 of you are now part of our RSS / Newsletter community. Many more continue to join us each day. Thank you so much for inviting me in to your life & taking time to learn from us.
Many thanks to RTI.org, Robbins Company, Renault Nissan and many other corporate clients for supporting us this year.
I am also thankful to our Excel forum members.
Special thanks to,
- Attendees of my live classes in USA (Columbus, Chicago & Washington DC) & Malaysia.
- Bill Jelen, for treating me to a pizza, few beers and a lovely evening at their house. Also, lending me his computer desk & chair when I was in USA.
Our Staff:
Most of what we do at Chandoo.org not remotely possible without our staff. I am amazed at their level of commitment and support to our mission to make you awesome. My heartfelt thanks to,
- Ravindra: for helping with various training enrollment, emails & customer service
- Vijay: for teaching VBA, answering student questions & supporting our products.
- Sameer: for answering student doubts in training programs. It was sad to see you go.
- Sujatha: for providing customer care & email support.
- Pothi: for taking care of our server & site infrastructure
- Chittibadrayya: for taking care of all the book-keeping & accounting aspect of our business
Special thanks to Jo (our iPhone developer) too.
Websites & Companies that helped me in 2013
I am thankful to Microsoft for making Excel so awesome.
I am also thankful to,
Email & Productivity: Google, iPhone
Website, Hosting & E-commerce: WordPress, GoDaddy, Wishlist Member, KnownHost, Amazon, PayPal, E-Junkie, 2Checkout, EBS, GumRoad, FastSpring, Thesis
Community & Connection: Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, Skydrive, pinterest
Software: Paint.NET, Mozy, Notepad ++, Camtasia & Snagit, Skype, Rescue Time
Apps: Pulse, Flipboard, Feedly, Amazon Kindle
There are many other software, companies and websites that help me every day. I am really thankful to each and every one of these. Detailed listing here.
Last but not least…
There is someone else that deserve utmost thanks for everything I do at Chandoo.org.
- My family: Jo & kids support me and Chandoo.org in numerous ways. They shower me with love, humor and support everyday so that I can be awesome at what I do.
- All my close friends & relatives: for supporting me & encouraging me to do better.
- Special shout out to Ram, Murthy, Madhuri, Raghu and Suman for giving me shelter & company when I am on business trips.
PS… something for you:
Here is a nice little surprise for you. Open a new Excel file & in A1 type
=SUBSTITUTE(ADDRESS(2^7,HEX2DEC("154A"),4)&SUBSTITUTE("PIN","I","Y ")&ADDRESS(11^2+2^2+2+1,12^2+3^2,2^2)&" "&CHAR(DEGREES(ASIN(0.9999)))&BIN2HEX(REPT(1,3)&0)&MID(REPT("RA",2),2,2),2^7,"")
22 Responses to “People & Websites that helped me in 2013 [thank you message]”
=SUBSTITUTE(ADDRESS(2^7,HEX2DEC("154A"),4)&SUBSTITUTE("PIN","I","Y ")&ADDRESS(11^2+2^2+2+1,12^2+3^2,2^2)&" "&CHAR(DEGREES(ASIN(0.9999)))&BIN2HEX(REPT(1,3)&0)&MID(REPT("RA",2),2,2),2^7,"")
Whatever gave you that idea?
:O brilliant
All the best for 2014
Regards from Germany
Happy New Year to you and your family in advance. Please do change the year 2103 to 2013 in the start of the post.
Your Posts are really awesome and this blog is worth at most.
Thanks again chandoo...!!!
Very clever formula - and just the type of fun I expect to find here at Chandoo.org - Happy (and Awesome!) New Year to you!
Chandoo - thank you! I did an interview with Rick Grantham for his Excel for Small Business series (for more: RickGrantham.com). Unfortunately, the audio was bad in the interview, so the compliments I paid to you were not recorded. But I was clear that your site, Chandoo.org, is the *best* Excel site on the internet. Here's why: the typical trajectory of Excel bloggers is to become popular, receive an MVP, and then do training and other stuff full time while spending far less time blogging. However, your blog continues! Chandoo.org continuously puts out new and original Excel content day after day.
Specifically, I don't write beginner content for my blog. When people ask me if they should start with my blog, I tell them "probably not." Instead, I tell them to go to Chandoo.org. I tell them to post to the forums and join the community. I tell them that's how I started, and that's how they can also become awesome in Excel.
Keep up the great work! Each year will be better than the last, my friend.
I truly appreciate all the time and effort you put forth in helping us all become more awesome. So I would just like to say:
=LEFT(ADDRESS(ROUND(PI(),0),20,4),1)&CHAR(OCT2DEC(110))&DEC2HEX(LEFT(DEC2BIN(2),2))&LEFT(ADDRESS(ROUND(PI(),0),375,4),2)&RIGHT("BOSS",1)&CHAR(32)&(0.000993541977148535*2013)&CHAR(MOD(16,7)^(1+2^ROUNDDOWN(LN(8),1)))&MID(ADDRESS(1,FACTDOUBLE(5)+5*2),2,1)&CHAR(ROUND(25.1489*PI(),2))&MID("FORMULAIC OBFUSCATION",14,1)&CHAR(2^5)&DEC2HEX(256^(1/4))&RIGHT("WOOKIEE ",1)&BIN2HEX(1100)&MID(ADDRESS(1,5448,3),2,3)&ROMAN(500,3)&REPT(CHAR(79),2)&"."&MID("SMORGASBORD",3,3)&CHAR(SQRT(1089))
i doesn't work
can you help ?
Regards Stef@n
Stef@n, I had the same problem when I copied and pasted your formula. You need to make sure that the quotes characters in Excel are all "straight" quotes, not the slanted version.
Glückliches neues Jahr!
thank you very much

“ is different to "
it is funny
but now it works
the result is
what was the thinking of microsoft, to do things like this :0
may be - it is not microsoft
it is the blog-software :0
Stef@n, those quote marks are certainly an irritating feature when copying code from the web into Excel. The final product of that gargantuan formula, however, should read "THANKS 2 YOU 4 CHANDOO.ORG!". Maybe the entire formula didn't copy over?
I forgot to add that this formula probably won't work properly in any version of Excel prior to 2007, as some of the worksheet references point to columns well beyond the 256-column limit in Excel 2003.
Hi Wookiee and all :))))
first: Happy New Year
i use 2010
other idea ?
... another question
what is the result of your formular ?
Thanks Chandoo, and Happy New Year to your and your family! I'm sure that you will continue to be awesome in 2014.
Thank you for all you have taught me, Chandoo, as well as supported my caffeine addiction and made me laugh out loud so many times!!
May 2014 be an even better year for you and your family - you certainly deserve it!
I am a huge fan.
Happy New Year, God bless.
Hi Chandoo,
Happy New Year!!! Really appreciate your works and generosity in sharing knowledge in Excel. I can't help myself not reading your blog since I've found it.
Hello Chandoo,
Happy New Year!!! Really you are a genius.
Hi Chando,
Happy new year to you, to your family and to all the readers of this website.
Thank for the work that you are doing.
HS from Algeria
P.S French translation of the formula : =SUBSTITUE(ADRESSE(2^7;HEXDEC("154A");4)&SUBSTITUE("PIN";"I";"Y ")&ADRESSE(11^2+2^2+2+1;12^2+3^2;2^2)&" "&CAR(DEGRES(ASIN(0.9999)))&BINHEX(REPT(1;3)&0)&STXT(REPT("RA";2);2;2);2^7;"")
and the german version
=WECHSELN(ADRESSE(2^7;HEXINDEZ("154A");4)&WECHSELN("PIN";"I";"Y ")&ADRESSE(11^2+2^2+2+1;12^2+3^2;2^2)&" "&ZEICHEN(GRAD(ARCSIN(0,9999)))&BININHEX(WIEDERHOLEN(1;3)&0)&TEIL(WIEDERHOLEN("RA";2);2;2);2^7;"")
Have an awsome year Chandoo!
Thank you for opening new horizons for me (Regarding Excel).
With the inspiration I got from this site, I'm now pretty much the Excel guru around my workplace. I even have my own web blog about Excel.
None of them would have happened if I didn't come accros this site.
Also special thanks to John Walkenbach for awsome books.
Happy New Year to you and your family Chandoo!
And thank you for a another year of awesome Excel inspiration.
="Happy New Year"&Left(First_line_of_this_post,4)&" - Chandoo & Awesome Family!"
Happy New Year 2104 - Chandoo & Family!
Hope you spread happiness and awesomeness for another 100-Years!