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KPI performance charts & dashboards – 43 alternatives (contest entries)



Hello all, prepare to be amazed! Here are 43 creative, fun & informative ways to visualize KPI data.

About a month ago, I asked you to visualize KPI data. We received 65 entries for this contest. After carefully reviewing the entries, our panel of judges have discarded 22 of them due to poor charting choices, errors or just plain data dumps. We are left with 43 amazing entries, each creatively analyzed the data and presented results in a powerful way.

KPI performance charts & dashboards - 43 alternatives (contest entries)

How to read this post?

This is a fairly large post. If you are reading this in email or news-reader, it may not look properly. Click here to read it on chandoo.org.

  1. Each entry is shown in a box with the contestant’s name on top. Entries are shown in alphabetical order of contestant’s name.
  2. You can see a snapshot of the entry and more thumbnails below.
  3. The thumb-nails are click-able, so that you can enlarge and see the details.
  4. You can download the contest entry workbook, see & play with the files.
  5. You can read my comments at the bottom.
  6. At the bottom of this post, you can find a list of key charting & dashboard design techniques. Go thru them to learn how to create similar reports at work.

Thank you

Thank you very much for all the participants in this contest. I have thoroughly enjoyed exploring your work & learned a lot from them. I am sure you had fun creating these too.

So go ahead and enjoy the entries.

PS: I am sorry if your entry is not shown on this page. We had to disqualify 22 entries due to various reasons.

KPI Dashboard by Alberto Almoguera

KPI Dashboard by Alberto Almoguera - snapshot

More snapshots (click to enlarge):
KPI Dashboard by Alberto Almoguera - snapshot 1KPI Dashboard by Alberto Almoguera - snapshot Download this Dashboard

  • Interactive with selection mechanism
  • Interesting representation
  • Lower charts can be replaced with sparklines / in-cell to declutter

KPI Chart by Alexander Groberman

KPI Chart by Alexander Groberman - snapshot

More snapshots (click to enlarge):
KPI Chart by Alexander Groberman - snapshot 1Download this Chart

  • Interactive with slicers
  • Labels overlap the chart.

KPI Chart by Amit Sinha

KPI Chart by Amit Sinha - snapshot

More snapshots (click to enlarge):
KPI Chart by Amit Sinha - snapshot 1Download this Chart

  • Comparison and variance analysis
  • Could use some insights – plain text instead of second chart?

KPI Chart by Ata Biabani

KPI Chart by Ata Biabani - snapshot

More snapshots (click to enlarge):
KPI Chart by Ata Biabani - snapshot 1KPI Chart by Ata Biabani - snapshot Download this Chart

  • Interactive with slicers
  • Simple and creative layout

KPI Chart by Ben Spalding

KPI Chart by Ben Spalding - snapshot

More snapshots (click to enlarge):
KPI Chart by Ben Spalding - snapshot 1Download this Chart

  • Thermo-meter chart
  • Feels over formatted, could have used simple colors.

KPI Chart by Chad Markel

KPI Chart by Chad Markel - snapshot

More snapshots (click to enlarge):
KPI Chart by Chad Markel - snapshot 1KPI Chart by Chad Markel - snapshot Download this Chart

  • Interactive
  • In-cell charts
  • simple colors and easy to read
  • May be sorting?!?

KPI Dashboard by Chetan Bhavsar

KPI Dashboard by Chetan Bhavsar - snapshot

More snapshots (click to enlarge):
KPI Dashboard by Chetan Bhavsar - snapshot 1KPI Dashboard by Chetan Bhavsar - snapshot Download this Dashboard

  • Interactive
  • Sortable
  • The charts are well designed & labeled.
  • Could have removed the table and kept charts (or reduced the content in table) as it is duplication.

KPI Dashboard by Francesco Petrella

KPI Dashboard by Francesco Petrella - snapshot

More snapshots (click to enlarge):
KPI Dashboard by Francesco Petrella - snapshot 1KPI Dashboard by Francesco Petrella - snapshot Download this Dashboard

  • Interactive with slicers
  • In-cell charts
  • colorful & elegant

Become Awesome in Excel & VBA – Create dashboards like these…

VBA & Excel Classes by Chandoo

My comments:

  • Learn how to create interactive dashboards & reports using Excel
  • Develop your own macros & VBA code
  • 50+ hours of video training
  • Learn at your own pace
  • Click here to know more

KPI Dashboard by George Gourgoulias

KPI Dashboard by George Gourgoulias - snapshot

More snapshots (click to enlarge):
KPI Dashboard by George Gourgoulias - snapshot 1KPI Dashboard by George Gourgoulias - snapshot Download this Dashboard

  • Interactive with VBA / form controls
  • Elegant and beautiful
  • Ability to publish the report as PDF

KPI Chart by George Nichkov

KPI Chart by George Nichkov - snapshot

More snapshots (click to enlarge):
KPI Chart by George Nichkov - snapshot 1Download this Chart

  • Interactive
  • Interesting and simple

KPI Chart by Heru Budihardjo

KPI Chart by Heru Budihardjo - snapshot

More snapshots (click to enlarge):
KPI Chart by Heru Budihardjo - snapshot 1Download this Chart

  • Interactive
  • axis not set to 0, labels sometimes overlap.

KPI Chart by Indranil Sarkar

KPI Chart by Indranil Sarkar - snapshot

More snapshots (click to enlarge):
KPI Chart by Indranil Sarkar - snapshot 1Download this Chart

  • Interactive
  • Scrollable list to select KPIs
  • Could use alignment and simpler formatting

KPI Chart by Jan Turner

KPI Chart by Jan Turner - snapshot

More snapshots (click to enlarge):
KPI Chart by Jan Turner - snapshot 1Download this Chart

  • Sparklines
  • Interesting, but almost data dump

KPI Chart by Janet

KPI Chart by Janet - snapshot

More snapshots (click to enlarge):
KPI Chart by Janet - snapshot 1Download this Chart

  • Interactive with slicers
  • Bullet charts
  • Could use labels / explanation
  • Also, horizontal is better

KPI Dashboard by Jiakun Zheng

KPI Dashboard by Jiakun Zheng - snapshot

More snapshots (click to enlarge):
KPI Dashboard by Jiakun Zheng - snapshot 1KPI Dashboard by Jiakun Zheng - snapshot Download this Dashboard

  • Interactive with slicers
  • power pivot (XL 2010+)
  • Alignment problems, poor labeling

KPI Chart by Joe Lawless

KPI Chart by Joe Lawless - snapshot

More snapshots (click to enlarge):
KPI Chart by Joe Lawless - snapshot 1Download this Chart

  • Interactive with slicers
  • Data duplication

KPI Chart by Jonathan Decker

KPI Chart by Jonathan Decker - snapshot

More snapshots (click to enlarge):
KPI Chart by Jonathan Decker - snapshot 1KPI Chart by Jonathan Decker - snapshot Download this Chart

  • Interactive
  • Simple colors
  • The current month bar feels repetitive. Could have used a line?

KPI Dashboard by Joon Tan

KPI Dashboard by Joon Tan - snapshot

More snapshots (click to enlarge):
KPI Dashboard by Joon Tan - snapshot 1Download this Dashboard

  • Simple charts with elegant presentation
  • Ability to add commentary

KPI Chart by Karthik Ranggarajan

KPI Chart by Karthik Ranggarajan - snapshot

More snapshots (click to enlarge):
KPI Chart by Karthik Ranggarajan - snapshot 1KPI Chart by Karthik Ranggarajan - snapshot Download this Chart

  • Sparklines
  • Elegant table design to present the information in simple way
  • Good colors and layout

KPI Chart by Kaushik Joshi

KPI Chart by Kaushik Joshi - snapshot

More snapshots (click to enlarge):
KPI Chart by Kaushik Joshi - snapshot 1Download this Chart

  • Waterfall chart
  • Interactive
  • Interesting representation, reduce the colors

KPI Dashboard by Keriman Hande

KPI Dashboard by Keriman Hande - snapshot

More snapshots (click to enlarge):
KPI Dashboard by Keriman Hande - snapshot 1Download this Dashboard

  • Summary of key KPIs on top and drill down at bottom
  • Ability to view variance or amounts

KPI Dashboard by Krishna Teja

KPI Dashboard by Krishna Teja - snapshot

More snapshots (click to enlarge):
KPI Dashboard by Krishna Teja - snapshot 1KPI Dashboard by Krishna Teja - snapshot Download this Dashboard

  • Interactive with VBA / form controls
  • Ability to sort, drill-down to selected KPI
  • Feels a bit cluttered, reduce the columns
  • Could use alignment and simpler colors

KPI Chart by Lisa Price

KPI Chart by Lisa Price - snapshot

More snapshots (click to enlarge):
KPI Chart by Lisa Price - snapshot 1KPI Chart by Lisa Price - snapshot Download this Chart

  • Interactive
  • Elegant & simple

KPI Chart by M.Hussain Kawosh

KPI Chart by M.Hussain Kawosh - snapshot

More snapshots (click to enlarge):
KPI Chart by M.Hussain Kawosh - snapshot 1Download this Chart

  • Interactive
  • Grouped KPIs to multiple charts
  • Could use explanation, not sure how to read the charts / grouping

KPI Chart by Marie-Anne Andre

KPI Chart by Marie-Anne Andre - snapshot

More snapshots (click to enlarge):
KPI Chart by Marie-Anne Andre - snapshot 1KPI Chart by Marie-Anne Andre - snapshot Download this Chart

  • Interactive with slicers
  • Interesting design and presentation
  • Reduce the control panel size and give more insights.

KPI Dashboard by Mohammad Shabbir

KPI Dashboard by Mohammad Shabbir - snapshot

More snapshots (click to enlarge):
KPI Dashboard by Mohammad Shabbir - snapshot 1KPI Dashboard by Mohammad Shabbir - snapshot Download this Dashboard

  • Interactive
  • Duplication

KPI Chart by Naina Gaud

KPI Chart by Naina Gaud - snapshot

More snapshots (click to enlarge):
KPI Chart by Naina Gaud - snapshot 1Download this Chart

  • Interactive
  • Axis not set to 0

KPI Chart by Narayan Digambar

KPI Chart by Narayan Digambar - snapshot

More snapshots (click to enlarge):
KPI Chart by Narayan Digambar - snapshot 1KPI Chart by Narayan Digambar - snapshot KPI Chart by Narayan Digambar - snapshot Download this Chart

  • Interactive
  • Interesting take on the analysis – trend vs. variance
  • Picture links
  • Could use alignment and simpler colors

KPI Dashboard by Nikita Israni

KPI Dashboard by Nikita Israni - snapshot

More snapshots (click to enlarge):
KPI Dashboard by Nikita Israni - snapshot 1Download this Dashboard

  • Interactive
  • Data duplication, could reduce the charts to 2.

KPI Chart by Pablo Martinel

KPI Chart by Pablo Martinel - snapshot

More snapshots (click to enlarge):
KPI Chart by Pablo Martinel - snapshot 1Download this Chart

  • Interactive
  • Simple and clean
  • Reduce the colors

KPI Dashboard by Pap Nyanamah

KPI Dashboard by Pap Nyanamah - snapshot

More snapshots (click to enlarge):
KPI Dashboard by Pap Nyanamah - snapshot 1Download this Dashboard

  • Interactive
  • Feels like data dump

KPI Chart by Prashant Sharma

KPI Chart by Prashant Sharma - snapshot

More snapshots (click to enlarge):
KPI Chart by Prashant Sharma - snapshot 1Download this Chart

  • Interactive
  • Good colors and simple design.

KPI Chart by Rabi Mahapatra

KPI Chart by Rabi Mahapatra - snapshot

More snapshots (click to enlarge):
KPI Chart by Rabi Mahapatra - snapshot 1Download this Chart

  • Technically a data dump, but I give credit for the creative hexagonal KPI analysis.

KPI Chart by Ramananda V

KPI Chart by Ramananda V - snapshot

More snapshots (click to enlarge):
KPI Chart by Ramananda V - snapshot 1Download this Chart

  • Interactive
  • Compares handful of KPIs amongst each other
  • Could use less formatting

KPI Dashboard by Reynaldo Peña

KPI Dashboard by Reynaldo Peña - snapshot

More snapshots (click to enlarge):
KPI Dashboard by Reynaldo Peña - snapshot 1KPI Dashboard by Reynaldo Peña - snapshot Download this Dashboard

  • Interactive with slicers
  • Clear and elegant design
  • Various comparisons and insights

Become Awesome in Excel & VBA – Create dashboards like these…

VBA & Excel Classes by Chandoo

My comments:

  • Learn how to create interactive dashboards & reports using Excel
  • Develop your own macros & VBA code
  • 50+ hours of video training
  • Learn at your own pace
  • Click here to know more

KPI Dashboard by Riekie Cloete

KPI Dashboard by Riekie Cloete - snapshot

More snapshots (click to enlarge):
KPI Dashboard by Riekie Cloete - snapshot 1Download this Dashboard

  • Colorful
  • Confusing? Could use labels and titles

KPI Chart by Ronaldo Balas

KPI Chart by Ronaldo Balas - snapshot

More snapshots (click to enlarge):
KPI Chart by Ronaldo Balas - snapshot 1Download this Chart

  • Interactive
  • Interesting design, but feels over formatted. Reduce special effects, the caps on columns feel like stacked columns and confuse.

KPI Chart by Ronny Lo

KPI Chart by Ronny Lo - snapshot

More snapshots (click to enlarge):
KPI Chart by Ronny Lo - snapshot 1Download this Chart

  • Interactive
  • Waterfall
  • Elegant colors and design choices.

KPI Dashboard by Sasjah De

KPI Dashboard by Sasjah De - snapshot

More snapshots (click to enlarge):
KPI Dashboard by Sasjah De - snapshot 1Download this Dashboard

  • Interactive
  • In-cell charts
  • Duplication

KPI Chart by Sweta Damani

KPI Chart by Sweta Damani - snapshot

More snapshots (click to enlarge):
KPI Chart by Sweta Damani - snapshot 1KPI Chart by Sweta Damani - snapshot Download this Chart

  • Interactive
  • picture links
  • better labels?

KPI Chart by Utkarsh Shah

KPI Chart by Utkarsh Shah - snapshot

More snapshots (click to enlarge):
KPI Chart by Utkarsh Shah - snapshot 1Download this Chart

  • Interactive
  • Error in the option button selection (25 visible KPIs vs 23 buttons)

KPI Chart by Wil Davis

KPI Chart by Wil Davis - snapshot

More snapshots (click to enlarge):
KPI Chart by Wil Davis - snapshot 1KPI Chart by Wil Davis - snapshot Download this Chart

  • Scatter plot with KPI performance
  • Interesting representation
  • Ability to drill down select KPI

KPI Chart by Wong Chee

KPI Chart by Wong Chee - snapshot

More snapshots (click to enlarge):
KPI Chart by Wong Chee - snapshot 1KPI Chart by Wong Chee - snapshot Download this Chart

  • Interactive
  • KPI categorization

Become Awesome in Excel & VBA – Create dashboards like these…

VBA & Excel Classes by Chandoo

My comments:

  • Learn how to create interactive dashboards & reports using Excel
  • Develop your own macros & VBA code
  • 50+ hours of video training
  • Learn at your own pace
  • Click here to know more

Techniques used in these dashboards & charts

If you want to create these kind of charts & reports at work, I suggest reading up the Excel Dashboards & Excel Dynamic Charts pages. Also check out below links to know more about specific techniques.

How do you like these charts & dashboards? Which are your top 5?

Quite a few of these entries are really impressive. You can learn a lot by deciphering the techniques in these workbooks. Many thanks to everyone who participated. I will publish the winner names in next few days. Meanwhile, share your comments and tell me what you think. Share your top 5 entries too. 🙂


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26 Responses to “KPI performance charts & dashboards – 43 alternatives (contest entries)”

  1. Blaz says:

    woop, woop, awesome! 🙂 great job contestans!

  2. Jacob says:

    I'm really waiting for dashboard contest every year. Salary in 2013, State Migration last year, and also awesome KPI performance dashboard this year. I would like to send my esteem to all participants for inspiring me.

  3. Ramananda Adiga says:

    Awesome Contest wish more contest for improvisation ...thanks chandoo for sharing your knowledge with us ... 🙂

  4. Alberto says:

    Really nice contest and really interesting dashborads. I have a couple of new Ideas to improve my version. Thans a lot for sharing your knowledge with us.

    Regards to all.

  5. Utkarsh Shah says:


    Really thanks for such type of competitions. There are different thinking & designs for excel case studies.

    I was damn sure that my entry will not be qualified. But I seen my name. I am huge fan of Chandoo.org & now there is one more reason for this.

  6. MRMP says:

    By far the best website for excel!
    Still waiting for download link with all dashboards packed in zip 🙂

  7. Joyce Swensson says:

    WOW, so many creative ideas. My top 4 but not in any order
    Chad Markel
    George Gourgoulias
    Marie-Ann Andre
    Renaldo Pena

  8. Michaela says:

    Great work from all!
    George Gourgoulias,beautiful informative visualization
    Join Tan,beautiful charts,colours
    Ata Biabani,Simple and interactive

  9. Waqar Ahmed Shaikh (shaikhrulez) says:

    Hello everyone.,

    First of all thanks to Chandoo for coming up with this amazing contest, while posting this question on chandoo forum I never thought that it would become such an interesting learning resource for so many people, thanks to each & every participant for making it a success.

    So so many great ideas here, didn't explore all of them yet. For me each of them is a treasure to learn new tips & tricks 🙂 Will post my favourite 5 after going through all.

    Thanks again everyone. Cheers 🙂

  10. Chetan Bhavsar says:

    Hello Chandoo,

    i am just speechless about the ways to represent the same data in all together 43 ways !!!!!

    Thats too awesome.

    Thank you for giving us the chance to show off the creativity we have.

    Much more appreciated .

    Keep it up.


  11. […] ????: KPI performance charts & dashboards – 43 alternatives (contest entries) | Chandoo.org – Lear… […]

  12. mahesh says:

    Really thanks for such type of competitions. There are different thinking & designs for excel case studies.

  13. Juan says:

    Nice Contest Chandoo! Congrats!

    I was quite impressive for the first one (by Alberto Almoguera) is simple, personal and you feel confortable using that viz, and the most important thing is easy too uderstand the message.

  14. Waqar Ahmed Shaikh (shaikhrulez) says:

    Except few, all the charts are so amazing that it was tough to choose my top 05 dashboards.

    Anyways, my top 05 entries are..

    KPI Chart by Joe Lawless
    KPI Dashboard by Reynaldo Peña
    KPI Chart by Wil Davis
    KPI Dashboard by George Gourgoulias
    KPI Chart by Ata Biabani

    My selection criteria based on
    - Easy to use
    - Simple presentation for easy understanding

    Good luck participants for the final hunt 🙂

  15. Saggi says:

    Simply Awesome... Keep it up

  16. Kaushik Joshi says:

    hi Everyone,

    This is simply AMAZING ! Thanks all for inspiring. Thanks Chandoo for the contest and so painstakingly going through each chart and giving your precious comments.
    I too never thought my entry would make it, but lo and behold its there! It made my day !!!
    I am not giving my top five, frankly there is so much material that it will take me quite some time to even go thru, let alone digest. My congrats to every single one of the participants for their efforts. It contributes so much to Excel Dashboarding enthusiasts' community !!

  17. giorgio says:

    We are waiting for the winners!!! Amazing Contest!

  18. Illa says:

    Thank you to Chandoo for sharing them and to all participants who spent hours working for them and happy to share them with us. For sure I will go through them and you are an inspiration. This posts help me in my daily job...YOU ROCK GUYS.

  19. Kadambari says:

    I have been thinking of ways to improve my dashboard and I just got a whole new set of ideas to try.
    Thanks to all of you for sharing your knowledge! 🙂

  20. jean says:

    dear Chandoo,

    thanks for our great website all the temple available to us.

    great support and learning material!

  21. Hamya says:

    Your generousity for sharing your knowledge has put me to a higher level in excel. Thank you chandoo

  22. Md. Nurun Nabi says:

    Thanks a lot.

  23. Selvam says:

    Great works on KPI Dashboards.


  24. Akinfolami says:

    I need help in designing KPI dashboard.

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