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Announcing Dashboard Week – Submit your entries now!



Hello there,

I am glad to announce this week (21-25 March, 2011) as Dashboard Week on Chandoo.org

Excel Dashboard Week - Chandoo.org

What happens in Dashboard Week?

As you can guess, during this week, I will be posting exclusively about Excel Dashboards. This is the tentative agenda:


  • Announcement & Survey


  • Health-care Dashboard [shared by Alberto]
  • Customer Service Dashboard [shared by Mara]
  • Executive Review Dashboard [shared by John]


  • KPI Dashboard – Revisited


  • Making Excel Dashboards – Recommended Resources


  • Your Tips & Contributions (more on this below)

How can you Contribute for Dashboard Week?

Obviously, doing a dashboard week is a mammoth task. I need your help 🙂

You can contribute tips, screen-shots, excel workbooks or links that I can share with our readers on Friday (25th March).

(In order to share screen-shots, images, files you must first upload them to a public file sharing website like skydrive.live.com)

Click here to send your tips & files for Dashboard Week

Rules for Contribution:

  1. Please share Excel files only if you are the owner of them (ie you made or manage them)
  2. You can share images / snapshots of dashboards even if you do not own them. Make sure you mention the source if required.
  3. Please submit your entries before March 25th.

So go ahead and contribute to the Dashboard Week.

Learn How to make Excel Dashboards - Join Excel School


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10 Responses to “Announcing Dashboard Week – Submit your entries now!”

  1. Hui... says:

    I'd like to nominate a 4 color traffic light technique, that will work in All Excel Versions and you can customise the colors to suit yourself.
    Instructions here: http://chandoo.org/forums/topic/mixing-icon-sets-in-conditional-formatting-and-only-using-one-icon-from-set-2

  2. Hui... says:

    I'd also like to nominate my Excel Age dashboard which I contributed to Chandoo's Excel Age Survey http://chandoo.org/wp/2011/02/25/excel-age-survey-results/

    The dashboard is available for download from:

  3. Barry says:

    I want to submit an Excel/VBA dashboard that follows the style/user interface of QlikView:


  4. Prem Sivakanthan says:

    Woohoo! This is going to be an awesome week, how exciting. I've just started making a new dashboard yesterday, this will give me the motivation to finish it by the end of the week! Anyway here are a couple of ones I have developed in the past. Probably my fav tip to share is to create a super fast dynamic range with index (free plug for Daniel Ferry's EHA). Use this in a named formula, so it can be used in a chart, and hey presto - no need to update the source data every month! 🙂

  5. [...] blogera koji se pojavio u zadnjih nekoliko godina ovaj tjedan 21. – 25. 3.) na svom blogu ima Dashboard Week. U to vrijeme ekskluzivno ?e pisati samo o izradi dashboarda u Excelu uz prikaze i objašnjenja [...]

  6. [...] you’re interested in Excel Dashboards, Chandoo.org is having a dashboard week from March 21st to March 25th, 2011 [...]

  7. [...] Dashboard Week at Chandoo’s Blog, so head over there for more [...]

  8. Prem Beejan says:

    Hi Chandoo
    I have posted a screen on a dashboard at http://cid-75f325168218cdd9.office.live.com/view.aspx/.Public/Dashboard%5E_prem.xlsx
    This is a stock market trading model which I built in 2005 using Excel 2003. I will rebuild all my models by applying the new techniques I have learnt from you and all the friends.

    There are 6 charts with price and volume indicators in different time frames. My trades are shown on the line chart (blue for buy and red for sell) over the 2 yr and 60-day horizon. My last 7 trades for the security is pulled from my trading details which record all trades. From a droplist, I can choose any of the securities in my favourite (some 60) or from my portfolio set ( some 350 securities which I have identified as trackable. The daily price update is save in a single file, which contains all the securities (some 1850). A data file extracts the chosen securities and my model brings in the price-volume data at the click of the mouse from a drop list.
    My target was to decide to buy or sell within 3 seconds and I have been doing this for quite long. The dashboard also computes statistical data, update the links to the company's website and registry, etc

  9. Rush says:

    Hi Chandoo - Learning a lot about graphing from your site - someday when I have time I will take a class with you. In the meantime - I am looking for a bigger picture or a template of the chart you use in the headline for Dashboard Week (sorry I am late to the party by a few months). The graph with the pink to red to yellow to green to gray? Can you tell me which article that dashboard is referenced?

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