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Work with charts faster using selection pane & select object tools [quick video tip]



Working with multiple charts (or drawing shapes / images) can be a very slow process. But here is a secret to boost your productivity.

Use selection pane & select object tools

Selection Pane & Select Objects?

If you have never heard of these, don’t worry. These are 2 very powerful features hidden in Excel. Once you know how to unlock them, you will never look back.

How to use selection pane & select object tools to work with charts faster – Video

In this video, understand how to use these powerful features to work with charts faster.

You may watch this video on our YouTube channel too.

More about Selection Pane & Select Object tools:

What is your favorite productivity hack for charts?

My favorite hacks are select objects tool, paste special > formatting and copy paste.

What about you? what is your favorite productivity hack for making better charts? Please post it in comments.


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3 Responses to “Work with charts faster using selection pane & select object tools [quick video tip]”

  1. Kris says:


    I liked the feature and recommend to others to watch this video.

    Keep in mind that

    Thanks for educating us

  2. Kiev says:

    This is very usefull, thanks so much.

  3. Sanjeev says:

    Hi Chandoo,

    Selecting multiple objects and then formatting all in one go is really awesome.

    Thank you Chandoo!

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