
Ideas … Infinite!

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Well, it is not a T-shirt caption. Rather it is about the current term in the 2 year course i want to blog. When term3 kick started 10 days ago, I thought it would be another 30% content and 70% global term with more fundaes on various areas of management and understanding people. I couldnt be more mistaken than this. 10 days into the term and i am already in love with most of the courses. some of the courses/class room discussions are nothing short of “ideas…infinite”, throwing myriad perspectives and options for each decision issue. Let me take you through the courses one by one.

Corp Fin.: Deals with making investment decisions using the fundaes gathered in MAC and FIN1. Rotates around Cashflows and decision making rather than analysis. Prof. is very systematic in his approach. Interesting readings and cases. Overall this course is giving me second thoughts about chucking Fin as a career option.

Marketing 2: Again deals with decision making for areas like marketing strategy, service offerings, brand positioning and overall marketing plans. Uses the fundaes gathered in OB, BTO, Marketing 1. A very enthusiastic prof. from IIM K is teaching us. Cases are lenghty as of now, but cover a gamut of decision issues and behavioural aspects. No doubt this course will help us in dealing the summer training better.

Organizational Analysis: One the unique courses of this place. No other B school in India offers this course. The mere fact that the course is handled by my favourite prof. made me sit tight in the class in last 3 sessions. Overall the course aims to use OB, BTO and HR concepts to analyse organizations. At macro level this course is a step towards making us general managers/consultants. Wonderful pedagogy.

Quant Techniques 3: Aimed at application of advansed statistical techniques like cluster/conjoint analyses using software tools and understanding of underlying concepts. Basically this course is a tool for us to make effective decisions.

Operations & Prod Management2: Mostly revolves around SCM/Logistics. Lacks the engineering glamour of OM1. But definetly worth working on a couple of cases.

Managing HR: Course outline suggests something like developing HR perspective for Non-HR managers(which we are supposed to become). But agian the last 3 sessions suggest otherwise. Some concepts like involving HR at strategic level are still debatable. Overall just another “try to get a B or C and forget” course for me.

Developments in Indian & World Economies: This course tries to build upon the macroeconomic frameworks/concepts discussed in the term2. For me it might be just another avoidable course. But going by the material given for this 2 credit course (half the weightage of normal courses) it looks like i need to slog atleast to make out what is necessary and what is not. 😀

Strategic Planning: well, another General Management course focussing majorly at top management decision areas/issues. Wonderful concept. somehow the classroom learning is not up to the mark. Well, even i am a part of it, so i am not cribbing 😀

Managing IT: a 4 credit course on IT finally. Well, this course would be a stepping stone for IT specialization in the year 2. But otherwise i am banking on this course for some good grades (a gloating comp. sci. engineer you see)

Apart from the above list there is one course dedicated to a research project in marketing area where we will do a 6 week project on some marketing problem. But the course would start only after mid-term. so i cannot comment on it.

Well, that is all for this post. Will post more tonight on some of the interesting happenings offlate.



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