
Create in-cell pie charts in Excel



create cool incell pie charts in excel - nifty trick

Here is a ridiculously easy trick to do nice incell pie charts in excel, what more, they will make you look like a charting wizard.

  1. Download free pie chart font from here (direct download link). The font has 21 pie chart codes starting with empty circle (character ‘a’) and ending with full circle (character ‘u’)
  2. Install the font (just extract the zip file, copy the font file to your fonts folder, click here to learn how to install a font in windows)
  3. Open excel, go to your data table and insert a column where you want incell pie charts
  4. Enter a formula like =CHAR(CODE("a") + ROUND(data cell*21,1)), just replace the data cell with actual cell code.
  5. Finally change the font to “pie charts for maps” from font dialog.
  6. There is no step 6, so go ahead and show off this cool table to your colleagues, make their jaws drop in awe.

You can add some conditional formatting to the pie charts like I did to make it nice.

Feel free to download the sample excel I have prepared to know how to do in-cell pie charts


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    32 Responses to “Create in-cell pie charts in Excel”

    1. Bhars says:

      The conditional formatting part comes as the icing on the cake... Great tip, thanks.


    2. Akash says:

      The in cell pie charts concept is not clear to me......the process is not self explanatory..i tried to understand the excel sheet u prepared but failed....i should not learn these concepts while talking to my girlfriend over phone...


    3. Chandoo says:

      @Bhars ... you are welcome...

      @Akash ... Welcome to PHD. Can you tell me if you can understand this while you are not talking with your girlfriend.. :D, just kidding.. if you have any doubts feel free to ask... I may know how to answer them 🙂

    4. John says:

      Great post ! Thanks for that.

    5. Chandoo says:

      @John... you are welcome 🙂

    6. [...] since writing the create in-cell pie charts in excel, I have been itching to find a simple enough method to do incell bar graphs. An in-cell bar would [...]

    7. Champak says:

      Chandoo, thanks for a wonderful pie charts in a cell trick. If I have a pie chart font which has all the pie from 1% to 100% then do I need to change the formula?


    8. Chandoo says:

      @Champak ... thanks for the comments & welcome to PHD...
      Oh yeah, just make sure the formula returns a character code that you can map to your pie chart font.. btw, can you let me know if you come across such font... I may post another tutorial using that font.. 😀

    9. [...] to pie charts, beautify your charts with these 73 designer quality templates, put together in-cell pie charts, bar charts and much more. Tags: charts, cool, excel, howto, ideas, learn, microsoft, technology, [...]

    10. [...] time you had to create a pie chart, consider building a partition chart as these charts can reveal trend information along with how [...]

    11. [...] easy and often over do it. I have blogged few techniques involving pie chart visualizations like in-cell pie charts, speedometer charts, donut clocks and the response from readers has been [...]

    12. Pedro says:


      i follow the instructions above, but i getting seven different pies in each cell. what am i doing wrong?

    13. [...] chart / pie font in our computer we can create incell graphs in excel with ease. Click here to see example pie chart, line [...]

    14. Ethoros says:

      FYI the formula works better when you multiply by 20 instead of 21.

    15. Bernie says:

      I am having trouble installing the pie chart font on a Mac G4. It won't pass the verification step. Do you have another link or different copy?

    16. Chandoo says:

      @Ethoros: Thanks for the tweak...

      @Bernie: I am not aware of any other fonts like this. Also, may be there is a limitation on TTFs in Mac (no idea what I am talking about.. :D) Can you google for some more fonts and let us know if you find an interesting option that works for Macs as well?

    17. Acinil says:

      How can you make the font to show up the same way on other people's computers who have not installed the font? In other words, when I share the spreadsheet with other people, their computers don't recognize the font and don't display it correctly. Is there a way to hard code the font?

    18. Chandoo says:

      @Acinil: Unfortunately, that is a limitation with using custom fonts. You need to have the font installed on your reader's computer before they can enjoy your file.

    19. rio says:

      @acinil: I use custom fonts regularly within Word, the only way to share a document containing these is to embed them. The downside is that drastically increases the filesize, but it's still an option worth investigating within Excel if you really need it.

    20. Erik says:

      Question, I love this idea however when trying to do the install, I am getting the following error message:  Cannot install PIE4MAP.TTF The file....... does not appear to be a valid font.
      Any idea why this is occurring?  Also when I download your sample, the icons where the formulas are do not resemble a pie chart, they are like wingdings.
      Thanks for the help!

    21. zaxl says:

      Great tip!

    22. Brett - Houston says:

      Link is step #2 is not working: "Install the font (just extract the zip file, copy the font file to your fonts folder, click here to learn how to install a font in windows)"

    23. Brett - Houston says:

      Here's a link that might work: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-vista/install-or-uninstall-fonts

      Thanks chandoo.org for all the excel awesomeness!!!

    24. lalani says:

      Thank you so much Chandoo for very useful tutorials.

    25. Tim says:

      The char() formula doesn't seem to read the decimal numbers. So why round the data to 1 decimal place instead of 0?

    26. BK says:

      Thanks very much - these pie charts are great. I'm just having one issue - If my data reaches 100%, the pie chart empties and looks like it's representing 0% rather than 100%. All other percentages work fine. 97% looks like 100%. Wondering why this could be/what I can do...

    27. Vadamalai S says:

      Hi chandoo

      Usefull stuff. Today I used this for my work.

      Thank you .

    28. Liaqath says:

      Hi Chandoo,
      I can't install this font on my office laptop until the support team see the licence file saying Free to install thought it will only be used for self-learning and team report if possible. Is there a workaround as we don't follow BYOD policy ans use only one laptop.

      Thank You.

    29. Rutul says:

      Its bit difficult. Can anyone guide please?

    30. Ahamed says:

      Thanks for the tricks. But how to do conditional formatting

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