5 Visualizations for Your Inspiration [Nov 14]
Every Friday, PHD celebrates the art of chart making by posting 5 beautiful visualizations. These are truly outstanding visualizations providing good information and insights.
Browse the last 4 weeks featured items by clicking these links:
Visualizations for your inspiration [Nov 04]
Must see info-graphics [Oct 31]
5 Beautiful Visualizations [Oct 24]
Visualizations of the week [Oct 17]
This weeks visualizations:
Dutch Architecture on a 5 Euro Coin
The Dutch govt. is releasing these 5 Euro coins to commemorate Nether land’s architecture. The selected coin (shown above) is creative combination of typography, design, programming and visualization skills. The portrait of Dutch queen is constructed with the names of important Dutch architects. The backside of the coin (shown on the left in image) is designed as bookshelf. Read more on this here. [via Information Aesthetics]
Google Flu Trends – Bringing Search & Visualizations together for a good cause
Google.org has analyzed the search terms and flu occurrence trends over the past few years and using that data to alert people. They say this system is able to predict flu 2 weeks faster than other systems. [via The Official Google Blog]
First 100 days of a US President
Ever wondered what can a president do in the first 100 days in his office? The above visualization tries to answer this question by looking at past. [via Flowing Data]
Retro Graph – Relative Sizes and Populations of Cities of the World from 1983
This graph shows the sizes and populations of world cities in 1983. You can see how each city is shaped in a funny way. I think Washington DC looks like a winter shoe Chicago looks like roaring lion standing on its hind legs. What do you think?
Future Predictions on a Time Line
This is a future prediction time line chart I found while stumbling. They say by blogging and spelling will be extinct by 2024. Hmm, I wonder what I am going to do after that 😀
Happy Weekend Everyone 🙂

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