Lets take a break from all the Excel trickery. Today I want to share a joyous news with you all.
Today I want to take you back in time, all the way to 1987. I want to share a story with you. So, sit back, sip some coffee and enjoy.
Year 1987 and aftermath
My dad is working as a sales manager back then. He is a quintessential salesman. Busy, flamboyant, confident, tall & fun. I remember him very vaguely now. But I remember having lots of good time at family dinners (we are a family of 5 – my younger brother, mom, dad, dad’s mom & myself). I remember riding his scooter on trips to my school, family clinic or just around the corner.
Then, as if someone shook us from a dream and took everything away, my dad suddenly passed away in the summer of that year. He had a fatal liver failure.
It was a big shock for all of us, especially my mom, who had been married to him for 7 years. My mother studied only up to Class 12. She did not have any job skills back then. On top, she is burdened with 2 little kids (my brother is 5 and I was 6 at that time). We did not have money, house or any other type of assets.
So we moved to my mother’s mother house. My grand parents were kind enough to support us in those dark years.
With in a few years we started getting regular pension, thanks to my dad’s life insurance. This gave a sense of financial security and freedom to us. But, we still felt one gnawing pain. We did not have a home to live.
Between 1990 and 2006, we stayed in 8 different houses. This constant shifting & lack of security bothered my brother and me very much.We decided that, we would get a house as soon as we can.
In fact, I even said to myself that I would not get married before owning a house.
Fast forward to 2000s
So I wanted to own a house, before building a family. But then, I met Jo, we dated for a few years, realized that we are perfect for each other. We could not imagine living without each other. So we got married in year 2007. There was still no house.
Meanwhile, housing prices kept on raising and made my dream almost impossible to achieve without a back breaking mortgage loan. So I kept saying myself, “let me work hard for a few years, save money and then, we will get a house.”
In year 2009, we became parents to a set of lovely, naughty and adorable twins. Nakshatra (girl) & Nishanth (boy) transformed our lives in ways we could not imagine. While the joys of parenting are overwhelming, I was worried all the time about the house. “What if something bad happens and we end up without a home.”
Still we kept saving and living frugally.
Enter 2011 – In search of a house
Since we are against loans (see note 1), we waited until we have enough funds to purchase the house we want. Finally, by March 2011, we reached that stage. So we started looking for a suitable house.
We went to property fairs, told everyone in our immediate social circles, approached agents, pored thru classifieds and online ads. Very soon, we are very tired and felt hopeless.
Good houses almost always have exorbitant prices
Bad or poor houses are over priced too.
We almost gave up and decided to live in a rented house for few more years. But then, a neighbor told us about a house that is up for sale, in the locality where we live. I went and checked it out on the same day. I liked it. It seemed like a house we could call home.
Few days later, we visited the house again. This time with Jo & kids. We liked the space and calm neighborhood. We discussed with a few relatives & friends and made an offer to the owners. After some negotiations, we purchased the house on 26th July, this year.
Then we started renovating the house. It took 2 and half months to get everything done. We have remodeled the kitchen, done wood-work (cupboards), changed flooring, added a car park, store room, upgraded some of the electrical & plumbing fixtures.
Finally, we moved in to the house last Saturday (15th October) and loving it ever since.
Details & Photos of our home
- Total land area: 350 Sq. Yards (292 sq. mts)
- House carpet area: 1000 Sft (92 sq. mts)
- Rooms: 2 bedrooms, living, kitchen, storage, 2 bath & toilets
- Purchase price: ~ $100k
- Location: Vizag
These photos were taken on October 3rd, when we had the traditional Gruha Pravesham (it is like house warming celebration). So you so almost no furniture. The photo of my office room is taken today (October 20th).

Our Living Room

This is our Kitchen

My Office Room (doubles up as guest bedroom too)

Our Living room from Kitchen

Entering our House (Gruha Pravesham) with a Ribbon Cut

Jo and I in our Kitchen
For more pics, checkout New Home Set on my Flickr page.
Thank you & Thanks to Excel
As we live, breathe, enjoy and sleep in this home, I could not thank enough for your support in making this happen. I am so glad you identify with the mission of Chandoo.org and spread a good word about it. I am so humbled that you support us by joining our training programs, purchasing our e-books & products. I am so thankful to you for spending time with us everyday, learning & sharing new things.
Thank you.
I am also thankful to MS Excel, the powerful, awesome tool that transformed my life. It gave me the courage to quit a comfortable job and embark on an exciting journey of running a small business. Thank you so much Microsoft & Excel for being awesome.
One last thing
There is a reason why I am writing this today instead of last Saturday, when we moved in to the new home. Today (Oct 20) is also my birthday. As I celebrate my 29th birthday, I feel immensely grateful, content and happy for the journey so far. The fact that I can share my life, knowledge and mistakes with you all makes me very lucky. I hope the coming years are just as wonderful for you and me.
PS: because of the house renovation work during last 8 weeks, I could not reply to as many emails as I want to. So if you are one of those who mailed me and never heard back, please resend and I will get back to you at the earliest.
More Personal Stories
If you would like to learn more about the personal side of Chandoo.org, have a read thru these,
- Story of Chandoo.org Start-up
- Thank you Excel, We have a car
- How Excel Transformed my life (story of 1 year of running Chandoo.org)
- Christmas & New Year Wishes – 2011
- Meet Nakshatra & Nishanth – our kids
- I am Dad!!!
Added later:
Note 1: As some of you pointed, I did have a mortgage loan (which has 2 more months on it). I borrowed this year 2007 for an apartment (condo) I purchased for my brother. Even though that house is not for me, I still pay the loan as I love my brother and want to support him.
Note2: Our new home is in Vizag, the same place where we have been living for last 2 years.
145 Responses to “Thank you, We have a home [personal story]”
GREAT ! :))))
Regards Stef@n
Hey Chandoo! That's wonderful news ... happy birthday and congratulations!!
Congratulations Chandoo, and happy B-day. I'm very happy for your success, because your blog is great, valuable, and inspiring reading.
Congratulations Chandoo! I'm pretty sure you and your family will have more wonderful years in your new home!
I am so happy for you. Happy birthday!
It is so nice of you to share your story that is very inspiring. I am glad you make it to this far and pretty sure you will go beyond your imagination because of your hard work and care to make difference in any way including excel.
Excel User 🙂
Congratulations on the new House/Home
Chandoo, great news, congratulations 🙂
I'm excited for your family and happy birthday. Thank you for your blog.
Congrats Purna for a happy home and a very happy birthday to you...
Hi Chandoo,
You inspired me today!!
Wish you a many happy returns of the day and keep excelling.
best regards
Congratulations to you and your family and happy birthday. I wish you much success in your new home.
I stumbled upon your blog a few months ago and find it very helpful. Have passed the link on to several other colleagues. Keep up the good work!!!
Hi Chandoo,
Wish you the most wonderful birthday (you have already gifted yourself and family the best gift in the world... Home)
Have fun
Congrats Chandoo. Very happy to see you achieve your cherished dream.
Best Wishes
Congratulations Chandoo, and happy B-day. I’m very happy for your success.
Thank you for your blog.
Congratualtions 🙂
Congo man.. wish u always "EXCEL" in life
Dear Chandoo,
There are great news... Congratulations and HAPPY BIRTHAY!!!
Success in your new home .
Chandoo, what a lovely home and family. Congratulations, and happy birthday!
Hi Chandoo,
Thank you to sharing about your personal life. Your home is so nice. Your sweet family too.
Best of luck...
[...] i dobroj vijesti. Bloger i vrsni Excel znalac Chandoo, danas je na svom blogu objavio da je uselio u svoju vlastitu ku?u, koju si je zaradio Excelom. Iskreno mi je drago zbog toga, jer rado pratim njegov blog koji [...]
Google Translate: "and good news. Blogger and excellent Excel Scholar Chandoo today on his blog announced that it has moved into his own home in which you earned Excel. Frankly I was glad about that because like I follow his blog that"
Happy Birthday and Congratulations on the house. It looks great! Love the shelving in the living room.
Congratulations and best wishes on your new home. Pictures are awesome.
Happy Birthday!
Thanks for sharing the nice inspiring story. Wish you success in your future endeavors.
A HUGE Congratulations and Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!! What a great birthday present to you and the family to have a paid for house!!!
Thanks again for providing so much insight with Excel and keep it up!
Congrats on your new house! And a happy Birthday! Now can we have Hui write up a post on how did he get that animation working here in the comments section 🙂
Chandoo, Congratulations and Happy Birthday!
Hey Chandoo,
A very happy birthday and congratulations on the new house. A grand party is due from your end 😉
Congratulations and Happy Birthday!!
Congratulations to you and your family! I was a couple years older than you when my wife and I purchased our first home (similar size). Seeing the smiling faces of your family brings back my own great memories. Thank you for sharing your personal journey to this point and for the super classes and posts. They are always Excel-lent and inspiring. Happy Birthday!
I have to admit, I usually ignore emails/rss feeds such as this, but as suggested - with coffee in hand, I read your article. And I am glad I did.
How exciting for you and your family! Congratulations!
I also applaud your efforts of saving and frugal living instead of depending on a bank to "provide" your home. It takes a lot of hard work, sacrifice, and keeping your goals at the forefront to achieve such success. And without being too political, our world would probably be much better off if more people did the same.
Congratulations!! Enjoy your beautiful home!
Congrats and Happy Birthday! 😉
Congratulations, great job
Very nice, congratulations.
Congratulations and best of luck as you continue your journey!
Congratulations. Enjoy.
Congratulations on your dream come true and Happy Birthday! Thanks for sharing your story and the pictures!
What a wonderful story. Very inspiring.
Thank you so much for sharing your happiness with us, Chandoo.
My sister's birthday is also today... (although she passed 29 a long while back... 🙂 )
Happy Birthday! Enjoy the new home with your family. Now you can finally breathe again.
Best to you and yours.
Congradulations to you and you family. Just another reason to never give up hope for better things.
Felicidades Chandoo!
Linda historia, tener Fé y nunca redirse, esa es la clave.
Gracias por compartir tus vivencias y conocimientos!
Google Translate: "Nice story, have faith and never redirse, that's the key.
Thanks for sharing your experiences and knowledge!"
Hey Chandoo, Many thanks for sharing this with us. Wish you a very happy life; I really inspired by your way of taking the life up and get success. Wish you more success in life and a very happy birthday today.
Congrats on the house!! You are very smart foregoing loans and saving money for this. You will not regret the sacrifices you and your family have made.
Thanks for all the Excel tips and knowledge the you share. It's great that we share the same birthday. I feel honored to celebrate my 42nd birthday today along with your 29th!! You should take great pride in all that you have accomplished in such a short time.
Chandoo & Jo and family,
CONGRATULATIONS on your new home (and your birthday)!! May all dev/devis shower their blessings upon you.
Best wishes always,
CoNgrats on this EXCELlent news. You are an EXCELlent inspiration for everyone. Well done and all the best
Congratulations on your new home, and wishing you 100 more birthdays!
Well done and happy birthday! I feel so blessed to be part of your community. Tell me do your new neighbours have a loud barking dog? Your videos wouldnt be the same without a dog barking its head off in the background 🙂
Very happy for you and your family. I wish you continued success, and much thanks for your website!
Happy Birthday Teacher!
Congratulations - my story is somewhat similar yet a world apart (I'm from Argentina and now settled in the US). I really identified with your post. I'm glad this business venture is yielding its rewards and really enjoy seeing someone so down to earth being able to live and enjoy life. You have a wonderful family and a great spirit. Keep up the good work! Happy Birthday.
An unknown friend from Seattle 🙂
Congratulations chandoo, it made me happy to much. You deserved it.. Happy birthday..
Chandoo - congratulations on your new home! May you and your family have many blessings and special memories together in it. I for one am certainly grateful that you decided to change your career - it has helped me a great deal in mine!
Congratulations for new home and wish you happy birthday. You blog is loaded with huge information on excel. Today i am in a position that I can say that I have good knowledge of excel thanks to you and your Blog. Keep up the good work.
Happy Birthday Chandoo!
Also congratulation on your new home and your beautiful family. Keep up the good work!
Me alegra muchísimo que hayas logrado tu meta inmediata. Y muchas mas que te traces en el mediano y largo plazo. Recuerda que todo lo que des se te dará como principio de causa y efecto o Dharma y Karma. Espero que nos sigamos comunicandonos y tu entregues tus conocimientos tan valiosos.
Un abrazo.
Luis Eduardo
Cali, Clombia, Sur America.
Google Translate: "I am delighted that you have achieved your immediate goal. And many more traces you in the medium and long term. Remember that everything you give you will be given as a principle of cause and effect or Karma and Dharma. I hope we continue communicating and your hand in your knowledge so valuable.
A hug."
Hearty Congratulations and Very Happy Birthday! God bless you and your new home with all the best things in life!
Happy Birthday!!! Your house looks beautiful! I hope you will enjoy it for many years!
Hi Chandoo,
I'm from Argentina too, I'm so glad for you, for your new home, and for your beautiful family. It's very inspirational the story about your last years. My congratulations for you and my best regards from La Rioja, Argentina.
Congratulations! I'm saving for a house myself, hopefully when I turn 29 next year, I'll be able to do the same =]
Hey chandoo..congrats and happy birthday to you, you are not only a teacher but an inspirer! I am really inspired by reading this post. On a lighter note, sure u designed your new home as if you were designing an excel dashboard.......
Congratulations !!!
You have really inspired many including myself.
Wish you and your family all the best.
Congratulations and happy birthday.
I hope you have many many ... many happy memories in your new house.
Hello Chandru,
I have been visiting your website for now and then and have been reading your articles (sent as an email due to my subscription).
Though it was off-track, it was beautiful and touchy. Felt very good.
Nice of you to have shared with all and showed your kind gesture!
Feel good to see the progress you made and I appreciate the interest and dedication you had been having towards the improvement.
Many Hearty Congratulations for the brand new home and Wish you a very Happy Birthday!
Keep EXCEL-ling 🙂
Raghavan alias Saravanan M
Bengaluru | India
Hey chandoo.. congrats for house.. birthday wishes... have a great year..
CONGRATS!!! I am so very glad for you!!! And thank you for sharing that happy story with all of us!! Best Wishes....
Hey Chandoo
Congratulations , Thanks for sharing this story with us:) it is very inspiring and also thanks for all your work!
Best wishes and keep the good job!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY & congratulations on your success. I know it is the result of very hard work & I am glad it is paying off for you now. Your teaching has made a difference in my life (& so many others). Karma exists.
A ribbon cutting ceremony... Griha Pravesh very nice... Your new home looks friendly! I think learning about your customs is as interesting as any of the Excel tips. Thank you.
AWESOME! What a beautiful, inspirational story. Happy Birthday and congratulations to you and your lovely family. May your new home bring you, Jo, and the twins great peace and joy.
Congratulations on your new home and happy birthday.
Congratulations Chandoo!
I have only been reading your column within the last year but your articles, comments and helpful community is very valuable and I'm very grateful. I am glad you are enjoying your new house you deserve it!
Congratulations Chandoo! & Happy birthday too!!
Congratulations Purna Duggirala! & Happy birthday too!!
Prasad DN
Chandoo fantastic story and achievement, I know India pretty well and have been going for the last 11 years each year because of my wife is an NRI . I guess I am saying I understand what an achievement this is for you. Plus you have managed to free yourself from the corporate gridstone and work for yourself and develop this fantastic enjoyable business. Congratulations to you and I am really happy for you and your lovely family.
John alias John@ReddyBay
PS We can visualise you in your office now producing all this wonderful Excel magic!
Wow Chandoo congratulations and wish you a very very happy and fantabulous birthday.
The colour combination of your house simply amazes me.
Once again congratulations as you deserve it not once but plentiful.
Keep going and all the very best.
Hi chandoo,
Biiiiiiiiiiiiggg congratulations for your HOUSE :-)))
Belated Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!
It's great........... having own house.
There always comes a time in everyone's life when their dreams slowly becomes a reality. When lack of something is replaced by the joy of calling something your own.
I am glad your biggest dreams has finally become a reality. May God bless you with loads and loads of happiness and success in years to come.
Here's wishing you a very happy birthday and the warmest congratulations. 🙂
God Bless !
- Shyam
Congratulations and best wishes for you and your family going foward.
Hello Chandoo,
You are awesome & thank you for helping me become awesome too.
Wish u a very Happy b'day..:) njoi & Wish u have all the success for the years to come.
Warm Regards,
Yash Shah
we love u so much... u'r story is really so inspiring to others... we wish that u reach the highest level of success & achieve u'r all goals...
-Sudhir Sharma-
Hi Chandu... Congratulations.. You really rock..
I'm so happy for u as your dream come true.. Keep 'EXCEL'ing in ur life 🙂 I would wish to see you achieved so many dreams in your path.. All the very best.
Heartiest congratulations! I see that you have also dressed up like Excel. Green shirt with 'cells' in it 🙂
Hey mate!! This is awesome news. Keep it up and keep us informed with you achievements in life.
Asheesh (your student)
Happy Birthday Chandoo!
And the house is beautiful and so is your post!
Hi Chandoo,
Many congrats for the new and 'awesome' looking house; and a very happy b'day.
I really enjoyed reading this post - once again many congrats to you and all at home.
Herman/ Delhi
I will be doing a post on the formats available in both these posts and in the Chandoo.org/forums in the very near future.
Congratulations with your birthday, your beautifull family and your new house. Also many thanks for your Excel-lent and inspiring way of sharing tips and knowledge.
SUCCES IS AN ATTITUDE OF MIND ....you really prove this!!!!!!
Happy birthday and happy new home.
Thank you for enlightning so many of us; We might not as yet have reached the goal of a house, but you certainly put us on the road. It isi great to share yopur joys, your familys, your home... and your excel knowledge!
That is the start of a fabulous new stage in your life with loads of new memories piling up wirth all teh joys of friend and family gatherings. It is great to settle in one's wn "nest".
Best of everything to you all!
Thanks for sharing this piece of your personal history. You are always so inspiring!!
Beutiful home and beutiful family! have fun
Congratulation and thank you for all your work you have done!!
Hi Chandoo,
Congratulations on your new home...
Congratulations on your birthday and your OWN beautiful house!
Best wishes on your birthday, and congratulations on your new home!
I also wanted to say what a wonderful brother you are - I am so glad that you and your little brother are both now living in your own homes after such an unsettled childhood. You should feel justly proud of yourself.
CONGRATULATION and happy birthday
Chandoo.. Congrats to you and Jo on your own nest!! O what a special bday
chandoo sir
congrats to you..... your house your family is beautiful..... Its all coz of your sheer hard work.... Just wanted to say one thing that your are phenomenally inspirational.... 🙂
Chandoo and family - congratulations from Ireland !
May you live in happiness in your new home.
I think this is my first comment here. Many congratulations for YOUR house and birthday Chandoo 🙂 You are an inspiration for a lot us Indians!
Congrats Chandu 🙂
Chandoo - congratulations and best wishes to you and your family! May you always be happy in your new home! (and special congratulations to your Mother- for growing such a son)
That is fantastic news! Well done, you deserve to be proud and enjoy your new home.
PS. Keep up the great work with chandoo.org
Awesome... Hard work pays always... Congrats...
Lage Raho Chandoo Bhai !!!
Congratulations and Wish You A Very Happy Birthday!!! You've been an inspiration to me and shown me the way to realize my dreams. May you and your family be blessed with all thats wonderful in this world.
Congratulations Chandu for having a beautiful HOME and wonderful family at such a young age!!
Happy birthday and congratulations.
It is wonderful that your story and your relentless effort is inspiration to so many people all over the world. This is really globalisation at it's best
I am so glad to see your success! Keep it up bro!
Congratulations! I'm so happy for you. And I know more great things will come your way. Keep being awesome!
Congratulations Chandoo! wish you all the success.
Congraluations !!!!!!!!!!! Home Sweet Home !!!!!!!!!! With your hair cut ..you and Joe really look a cute couple.
congratulations its nice to hear about your house
Congratulations. That's great.
Parabéns e muitas felicidades, você ajuda muito a meu marido com as planilhas e aulas para que ele desenvolva no trabalho dele. Torço muito por você!
Google Translate: "Congratulations and much happiness, you help a lot to my husband with worksheets and lessons that he develops in his work. I'm rooting for you too!"
Hrudaya puravaka abhinandanalu maruyu janma dina subhashishulu.
Devudu ninnu Divinchunu gaka
Congratulations Chandoo! You deserve the best. You've been an inspiration and are always willing to help. You've inspired many people around the globe with your knowledge, creativity and innovation. You have helped transform our daily tasks into more simplified ways of doing things. May this home bring you and your family loads of fun, laughter, love and happiness. Well done Chandoo....
Hey Hi Chandoo..
congrats for the new home...
happy birthday to you as well..!!!!
may your life be always be filled with lots of love n happyness... n so it is..!!!
Congratulations and Wish You A Very Happy Birthday!!!
Many thanks for your support and you are always inspiring
many of us by way of sharing your valuable knowledge and tips.
Congratulations Chandoo!
I am a regular reader of your initiative but haven't been able to use it much. 🙁
But as soon as someone has a problem with excel, the first thing I refer to them apart from Office's built in F1 is Chandoo.org 🙂
Its really a pleasure to see someone achieve what he or she set out to achieve.
Brilliant work bro. You have become an inspiration to those who want to get out of the mad rat race of job and money.
Congratulations once again bro. I hope to read many more of such posts about your achievement. Best of luck.
Congratulations on your new home Chandoo and Happy Birthday! My wife and I are also building our first home. The whole process is very exciting! Again, congratulations! Say "Howdy" to everyone for me.......Ed (from Texas, USA).
Congratulations on your new home. May you and your family fill it with laughter, joy and happy memories.
Hey Chandoo - congratulations on owning your own home! What a wonderful achievement.
Best belated birthday wishes and thank you so much for sharing your news.
Great work Chandoo.i am a regular reader of your blog.First time writing you anything personally.
You are an inspiration for me,i am pharma mba student from NIPER <National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research,Mohali.
Congratulations !! on your new home.
Hi Chandoo,
Congrats !!!!
Hey Chandoo, heartiest congratualtions for your new home.
My friend, I may say so because I feel it!
I wish you "Happy Birthday My late," may God continue to bless you to you and your famiília.
Today also has a family and a house given to me by God, He liked me in making this benefit you and God also delighted in you, keep being that person that you are human!
Aleikheim Shalom!
Congrats & best wishes Chandoo!
Steve - Detroit, MI
Congratulations Chandoo,
A few years ago I had this same happiness ...
Not the thing better than a home to call your own ...
Congratulations and happy birthday.
Hey Chandoo...... Congrats & best wishes
Happy Deepawali, Happy Birthday, wish u very Happy stay at Sweet Home with ur Happy Family
congratulations for your new house....very inspirational...thanks
Nice, Your living room cuboard looks like excel spread sheet!
thank you for sharing
Here you go:
Hey Chandoo...Congratulations for your new house and a very happy and belated B'day!!!
congratulations! wishing you all happiness that stays and grows with your family.
Hey buddy....
Hearty congratulations !!!
Its been long time I made a visit here... anyways nice to see this post...
Congrats again.
Gouri Sankar
bhai...i think you are very honest man and like to give back to earth more than what you get...good work and obivious reward...you are showing path to the people like me
Excellent and congrats for your new home.
I can understand the difficulties you have gone through. But, it is an inspiration for me and others.
Thanks and Happy Birthday.
Hi Dear Cahndoo,
May God bless u and ur fly and ur all future plans.
[...] Nishanth (our twins) are looking forward to this as much as we do. Plus, we are celebrating it in our new home. Feels [...]
Really pleased to read this post of urs and happy for ur entire family ! You have done everyone proud 🙂
Had stumbled onto ur site via ur EPIC pagalguy post "All I wanted to speak about CAT" (which itself is an inspirational read) and have been a regular visitor.
Seasons greetings, and hoping that the coming years are equally (if not more!) fruitful !!
I'm so happy about your life history, your happiness and your achieved goals. People like you, who pursuit your dreams and wishes, who fight the day-to-day duties and never give up, deserve the best of life. All the Universe conspires in your favor.
Merry Christmas to you and all family. Peace, love, success, healthy and hapiness in 2012.
Best regards from Brazil,
Is it possible to get a discount, I want to purchase your product but I feel it is slightly high for me in India, please do let me know of any available discounts.
Many congratulations to you. Your story is truly inspiring. Your humility is deeply touching. I wish you and your family all the very best in all your endeavors.
Big fan,
Wishing you very very best of luck in Present and future endeavors..
Salam to whole family and love to kids..
I am slowly becoming fan of yours.
M.Asadullah Malik
Lahore, Pakistan
Many congratulations to you...
Dear Sir Pornachandra ,
Sure , congrets, its deserve you & get....your struggle pay you what you desired & of course its your dream destiny..
What is In India? The power of ancient knowledge..& how to apply for live good & serve to good..that can change whole picture of anything...any one..any time.
Sooner you get more big rewards from God for invaluable service given by you to this world.
Chirag Raval