5 Superb Visualizations of the Week [Oct 17]
Animals in the Zoo – Creative Bar Chart
This creative bar chart shows the distribution of various zoo inhabitants. The yellow strip is for birds, green bar is for amphibians, orange strip is for mammals and finally the curly green bar in the end is for, you guessed it right, reptiles. Also shown in the bar are zoo acreage and visitors in 2005. Very compact and beautiful way to show zoo information. For more on zoo visualizations checkout the Vizooalization post [via Simple Complexity]
Argentinian Income Distribution – in a Bread
This graphic shows how the Argentinian income is distributed. As you can see 42.6% of population earns less than 500 pesos per month. This chart is an excellent example of how you can take normal data to make a powerful point.
Synesketch is a set of JAVA based APIs for analyzing and plotting emotions from input text. The visualization you are seeing above is called Hooloovoo, named after the super-intelligent shade of color blue from the Hitchhiker’s guide to galaxy, is essentially a square pie chart with colors based on the emotions contained in the text. [via Information Aesthetics]
Who said you have to always use charts to convey information. A good old table is a perfect way to tell the story or sell your products. Take some inspiration from Smashing Magazine’s best pricing tables.
What happens when you take out all the words / images from a website and show the page as a bunch of blocks? Web withoutwords is a simple experiment aiming to answer this question, one website a day. Can you guess the website featured above from the block diagram? [via Information Aesthetics]
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2 Responses to “5 Superb Visualizations of the Week [Oct 17]”
[...] and visual communication! The “Pointy Hair Dilbert” considered Synesketch one of the “5 Superb Visualizations of the Week”. It is even the subject of some Hungarian and Russian [...]
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