
Track / share your goals using Google Spreadsheet Gadgets



google docs team announces gadgets and other goodies for google spreadsheetGoogle docs team has announced gadgets, auto-fill support, formula help while typing and several other goodies yesterday. I was experimenting with these stuff and wanted to share a cool idea with you all.

Tracking / Sharing your goals (or resolutions, progress) with everyone using Google Spreadsheet Gadgets:
For the example purpose, let us build a gadget that will track my new year resolution “to run 500 miles in 2008”. When done, the gadget looks something like this: (go ahead, play with it)

Step 1: Create the data format as per your need
I created a table like this, you can create something depending on what you want to track / share:

Step 2: Findout what you want to share and calculate
In my case, I needed 2 metrics, “miles ran so far” and “miles remaining”, the “miles ran so far” is a simple sum of the entire table shown above, the other metric is 500 minus “miles ran so far”. Once you have the values, display them 2 columns as shown below:

Step 3: Generate a gadget for the data you want to share

  1. This is even more simple, just click on the gadgets icon on the tool bar on top (shown below) and select gadgets.
    Google Spreadsheet Gadgets - How to?
  2. Select the gadget type, I have selected a bar-chart as I wanted to show progress in a stacked chart.
    Google Spreadsheet Gadgets - tips & tricks
  3. Next enter data range for the gadget (just as you would do with an excel chart dialog) and press save.
    google docs gadgets - how to use them?
  4. Finally publish the gadget by selecting the publish option, this will provide html iframe code for the gadget, simply paste the code in your blog, sidebar or coffee mug and you are good to go.
    google docs spreadsheet gadgets - charts using them

If you want to play with my sheet: google spreadsheet gadgets demo, So what are you waiting for, go ahead, play around with google spreadsheet gadgets, flash your gadgets.


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6 Responses to “Track / share your goals using Google Spreadsheet Gadgets”

  1. [...] BLOG IT FOR U wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerpt Google docs team has announced gadgets, auto-fill support, formula help while typing and several other goodies yesterday. I was experimenting with these stuff and wanted to share a cool idea with you all. Tracking / Sharing your goals (or resolutions, progress) with everyone using Google Spreadsheet Gadgets: For the example purpose, let us build a gadget that will track my new year resolution “to run 500 miles in 2008?. When done, the gadget looks something like this: (go ahead, play with it) [...]

  2. Hamilton says:

    Great concise post! I like the spreadsheet frames. For another example of how to use the map gadget and form-based input, follow the blog link above.

  3. [...] electronic equipment without having a clue as to how it works.http://www.sltrib.com/help/ci_8217571Using Google spreadsheet gadgets to track / share your goalsHow to use google spreadsheet gadgets to share your data / charts with everyone, a demo created to [...]

  4. [...] Use google docs to keep track of your new year goals tweetmeme_source = 'r1c1'; tweetmeme_style = 'compact'; [...]

  5. Jonathan says:

    Would love to see an updated version of this. Your tutorial looks to be too outdated for what Google Docs now has to offer.

  6. reader says:

    the sample spreadsheet has no chart

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