Welcome to Chandoo.org. A short introduction to this website
Over the last few weeks we have seen huge influx of new members to our little blog. It is good time I said hello and introduced my site to you.
PS: If you have been at chandoo.org for a while, you can still find a good link or nugget in this post. So read on.
What is this website really?
This site is about Microsoft Excel & how you can become awesome while using it. I stress the second part because that is really what my site is about. Making you awesome.
So how does Chandoo.org really make you awesome?
Simple. I do this using 4 key methods:
1. Share awesome tips, tutorials, downloads thru this blog
3 or 4 times week, I write about various creative & productive ways in which you can use Excel to become awesome at what you do.
You can get latest articles by signing up for my FREE news letter. You can also read this blog thru any RSS reader. When you join my newsletter, you get a free e-book with 95 excel tips.
But joining my newsletter or subscribing to RSS feeds can only give you future posts. There is a ton of useful information, tutorials & tips buried in the archives of this blog. You see, I have been writing about excel for almost 3 years now. Please check out,
and follow the links there. Get your sunglasses, because the awesomeness is blinding!
2. Sell awesome products based on Excel
I sell Excel templates for awesome project management, an e-book for learning formulas & a wedding planner template. These products are crafted with so much passion. More than 1000 customers have bought these from me and have enhanced their productivity and became heros in front of their bosses & colleagues.
I encourage you to consider getting a copy of one of my products. Visit our shop.
3. Conduct awesome training programs
I conduct 2 online training programs.
Excel School – for learning Excel
Once every 3 months I run Excel School. This program makes beginner & intermediate level excel users awesome. We have more than 24 hours of video lessons, 45+ downloadable example files & awesome learning experience. More than 650 students have enrolled in previous 3 batches and next batch will be opening in Jan 2011.
Click here to join Excel School newsletter & get 3 free video lessons.
Financial Modeling School
As the name suggests, Financial Modeling School teaches you how to make Excel based financial models from scratch. I run this program in collaboration with Pristine Careers. Just like Excel School, this too, opens once every 3 months. Next batch will be in Feb 2011.
Click here to learn more about Financial Modeling School.
4. Running an awesome Excel Forum
The format of blog doesn’t work well if you have specific questions. So I have started an excel forum few months back. It has been an awesome learning experience ever since. Every day, we get lots of new, challenging excel related questions from all over the world.
Go ahead and register in our forums. And ask a question (or answer one).
Who am I…?
Do not worry, I am not having bouts of amnesia or anything. My name is Purna Duggirala. Chandoo is my nickname. I have used the same for registering a domain several years back.
After working for a few years as a business analyst with India’s leading IT company, I quit in April 2010 to make this website my full time work. You can read the back story here. Also, you are welcome to read my adventures in entrepreneurship at Startup Desi.
I am happily married to Jo, my college sweetheart and love of life. In September 2009, we became parents to twins – a boy and a girl. Nishanth (boy) & Nakshatra are as naughty, hilarious & lovable as they come. And our life is even more beautiful ever since.
We live in Vizag, a small coastal town in south east part of India. [more…]
How to use this website?
This site is awesome because you are awesome. We learn from each other, share what we know, be respectful to others & have a sense of humor. We love to make mistakes and improve every day.
The following is a best way to use this site and become awesome,
- Join the newsletter or add this site to RSS newsreader.
- Each article has a comments section. Make sure you read the comments and respond / ask any questions related to that topic.
- If you are looking for a specific topic, idea or article, use search box. It is on top right on all pages of this site.
- If you want to explore and learn more, visit archives page and click on a random month. Start reading.
- Play with downloadable excel files. Modify formulas or break the contents to understand how it works.
- Have a read of chandoo.org policies
- Check out contact details if you want to get in touch with me.
Once again, Welcome to Chandoo.org
Thank you so much for visiting my site. I wish you become awesome in not just Excel, but everything else you do.

Hello Awesome...
My name is Chandoo. Thanks for dropping by. My mission is to make you awesome in Excel & your work. I live in Wellington, New Zealand. When I am not F9ing my formulas, I cycle, cook or play lego with my kids. Know more about me.
I hope you enjoyed this article. Visit Excel for Beginner or Advanced Excel pages to learn more or join my online video class to master Excel.
Thank you and see you around.
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117 Responses to “Welcome to Chandoo.org. A short introduction to this website”
Dear Chandoo, I had an opportunity to learn about your venture through msn.com. Even though, I didnt went through your articles yet, I feel it's great to have a site like yours as I still developing my skills on Xcel. I am sure I will have great information from your site.
Hi Chandoo,
I just read your interview in MSN hotmail and came to your blog just to check how it looks like. After seeing this I can't stopping sending blog link to my freinds. It is awaysome technics which saves loads of time for people like me fighting with numbers for data reconciliations on my job.
Thank You,
Chandoo..I am very much impressed the way you are creating work yourself and your improvements. Eventhough I do not work much or learn more on Xcel, the article makes atleast few like me to think similar to you. Hats off.
Hi Chandoo Sir
I am a fresher, did B.Tech from VIT and most probably will get a job in TCS, i am pretty much sure. But after Hearing and seeing your website i wanna join you..
Are you giving job opportunities also. I wanna you as my guru from now onwards..
I can send you my resume.. and my full biodata,, please look into the concern...
Shivam Singal
Chandoo, iam very impressed after i read your interview in MSN, it's a great effort by you to improve our knowladge on excel. And i never seen a blog which made such a huge money by posting the writings...WoW...
Hi, Chandoo...Just now read a article about you in msn..It is really great man..i too tried a lot in developing blog but I lost my patience to get the traffic..So I just gave up..and not having time too for developing my blog..
You are really gifted..because you succeeded the love life and you have twins..Wow ! that is great man..have a nice day...Not everyone are gifted..God bless your Children !
Enjoy life..
Dear Chandoo,
Its amazing to read about your achievements!
I am an Indian, working for an Australian Project Management Co. as a scheduling/planning manager, involved in very large construction projects around the southern hemisphere.
I have been using xl for straightforward graphs, tables with formulea and conditional formatting. I will definitely go through your website and am sure will make myself a better professional.
Best Regards,
Archangel Victorious
Hi Chandoo,
I really feel very good experience with your blog... the concept really impressive and path making in today scenario. I belive you get much more subscription in coming days as i too.
Thanks & Regards,
Prakash (IT Professional)
Hi Chandoo.... read about you today on MSN..... you will be a great inspiration for the young indian Talent...
My wishes are with you..
hope to learn more from you
Read abt ur venture from pagal guy ...Inspiring read indeed .....Not only MBAs but 90% of general office goers like me ( BTech - Mech and working with an automobile MNC ) - who form the unskilled working class ( harsh but true ) rely so much on MS Excel ....and your venture and success gives me hope that i too will begin something good and SIMPLE like this on my own....
I read your article on MSN. Your are the man. I would like to share a small story about excel " I was working for HP and company organised a excel traning. The tutor asked us to rate 1(least) to 10(best) each one of us about our excel knowledge. I rated myself as 7.
Later tutor gave a small test to all of us which non of us passed. Then I realised that I should have rated my self as 0." Since then I'm putting lot of effort to get bettter in excel. I migrated to Australia and working as analyst where I'm using excel knowledge to make a place for me. But you are simply superbbbb still need learn so many thing from people like you. All the best for you. I will be regular visitor in chandoo.org
hi!! Chandoo, I just read your article in MSN.com I am impressed the way your improvements in excel. Wish you all the best.
Hi....Chandoo Sir.......I feel GREAT by reading your article.........Really it's really inspirational for us........BEST OF LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Mr. Chandoo...!!!!
This is Rahul, one of your latest fan.
I read about your achievement on MSN. And i'm really surprised that no one is aware of your kind of Indians.
You could be compared with Mr. Mark Zukerberg, the owner and founder of Facebook.com
Great Man!!
Keep it up.
I'm also inspired by you ppl, and maight come with same kind of idea in near future.
Thanks n regards,
Rahul Sharma
I am also Excel freak.... want to learn more... Good thing to know this site thru MSN
Dear Chandoo,
I've through ur article on MSN. An impressive work to start this kind of site for those like me who always fight to get better results from excel. Thanks for this lovely work done by you.
Just read interview on MSN. Its really amazing and inspiring...
We work on excel throughout the day and can't imagine the business model on it.
Great conversion of hobby into profession.
All the best.
Hi. Hope all of your families are fine and doing well.I came to know about you as well as your innovative ideas from msn.com. I completely agree with you that in b-schools, it is not taught to start a small business. Because when I completed my MBA from Amity B-School, immediately I got an opportunity and I worked there for one year. Finally I decided to establish a school in my village and I have been running a school since this April 5th 2010. Your ideas are so simple but bearing a lot of commitment with honesty and clear. Your marketing concept is highly appreciated as you take care of all the stake holder's interests who are involving in the process. Specially to the end users.
Wish you all the best for your future wishes.
Awesome man u did it................
Read your story on msn.com......... now thats what an IIM graduate is all about for enterpreneurship..
all the best
hi C,
I hav read the news abt u in MSN.com..............this is great yar.............ur achievement shows us da crative path in our life............once again great ho.............
Just one word from me - Awesome!
Hi Chandoo..
I always recommend your website for my students and colleagues for Excel..
Good Going Buddy..we enjoy your articles like reading a Small Story..
Hi Chandoo,
Excellent work , keep going ...I wish one day you will be the famous person in the world. All the best
Shareen Kumar
Great Chandooji. Read about you on MSN.
That's what I call an enterpreneur........
Hi Chandoo!
just now i read about you in msn ..... you are great..... Great salute for your achievement..... and i'm proud to say that i'm your fan from this moment...
Great! It's little bit temptating to do blogging regulary. Great acheivement.
It was really great reading the article in MSN and am really impressed. Kudos to your work and for being an inspiration for many.
Hi Chandoo,
I saw your article on MSN and I felt very happy. You are really fantastic. I will use this site to gain more information on excel. I will let others know of this site. I am from Vizag too. I am proud of you. I wish you all the best.
Chandoo, you are my hero. I just read how you have cracked the CAT in
I like your idea about blog competitors: So let us embrace them!
Hi Chandoooo......
Your story is very inspirational to those who want to start something on their own, like me. Hearty Congrats......and Thanks.
Hi Chandoo.
Just now i read about you in msn I am very much impressed i want to join you is their any opportunity i want to know, I am physically challenged and have knowledge in excel i want to earn good income for my family, Pls help me. i am from Hyderabad.
Dear Chandoo, nice to ccc a vizagate in a very big profile we are very proud of u bro , i belong to vizag and i have seen this of urs today only on msn on the cover page, really saying ur awesome man.
Keep going on booss whr ever needed , whn ever need , we all will be thr with u tk cr and bye
Awesome Job Chandhoo.. Keep Going.. All D BEst..!!!
Too.........much impressed...sir,it is a great inspirational to me and to many of others.
Hi Chandoo..
Congr8 for wonderful discovery. Today i read on MSN. Good Going Buddy..we enjoy your articles like reading a Small Story.
__Umesh Yadav SEO
I have read your success story on msn yesterday.First of all "Congrats" & "All the Best" for your future.I feelYour story is very inspiring . Yesterday I have told ur story to my husband. I am also very excited to do something like you.Plz. give some suggestion on your site how we will make success like you.
Congratulations on your success
Some important points which helped you I feel are:
1. Your determination and confidence in yourself
2. Your basic knowledge of the subject and open mind to learn and update.
3. Understanding the basic requirement to succeed and earn more money by marketing your talent to the world population through BLOG
4. Using the right time period to start additional on line tutorials and Other tools to switch over and start earning money through the international community.
5. Marketing your product to the right people at the right time.
6. Changing over from regular job to devote time on your new bussiness activity.
7. Living in a smaller city makes no difference to the bussiness as it is done through internet. in fact it may be an advantage as the cost is lower.
8.Any other subject can also get the same result with dedicated work, targeting the right group of people for end use, and utilising the fact that you have to market the products and not just distribute it free to people.
9. Keeping the growth rate and continuing the business also requires probably a different startegy.
I was very much impressed and Kudos to you for making money while still pursuing your passion and learning the basic strategy to start bussiness from scratch.
Good luck to you
Dr. V. G. Kamath
Dear Mr & Mrs Chandoo,
My Salutations to both of you. It requires real guts and commitment to resign a plum job and comfortable life in US and do what you are really passionate about in your home towm vizag. As the old saying goes" behind every successful man their is a woman", I really appreciate Madam Chandoo's steadfast support in your life's up and downs. May God wish You and your family all success, wealth, Peace, health and happiness .
I am really surprised, you are a using a simple day to day MS excel to the core, which even the creators of excel would'nt have expected. Now That is out of box thinking. I also liked the way you shared your experiences honestly with simplicity on MSN.com, a rarity now a days in India. Please keep it up, India is proud of you. Regards, Vivek.
Hi, Purnachandra(Chandoo)
just now read a article about you in msn..It is really great man..i too tried a lot in developing blog but I lost my patience to get the traffic..So I just gave up..and not having time too for developing my blog..
you are great man..have a nice day…and prosperousness life
Enjoy life
Congrats and All the best Purna garu. It is great to hear about your success.
Hi Chandoo,
First congratulations for making it big...through Excel..
Infact i was a lover of MS Excel from 1999 onwards had been using almost all tools in excel...and used to recommend excel as one of the greatest tools in computing to my friends....
Nice to know that you have done something great ...on what you realised while working....
Good Luck and keep it up
A question Chandoo, to do the wedding planner template that you are selling, have you read "The Marriage Bureau for Rich People"?
It's a book written by Farahad Zama born in your Vizag city.
Now I'm reading another awesome Indian big book about your customs: "A Suitable Boy" by Vikram Seth. It's a Mega-bit of story.
Hi chandoo,
I am trying to improve my excel skills from last six years but still struggling on it . Came to know about your website from msn.com and hoping to find something fruitful for myself. I am interested in your excel class also, so let me know about it's upcoming session.
Hi Chandoo,
Read your success story through MSN .... Probably your are one of the guz who's name should be written in GOLD in the History of Microsoft...
- Satish
I landed up on your website through peltiertech, while trying to make my excel charts look pretty, but more than the excel, I was impressed with the way you have made a new business out of very much known and widely used Excel. It underlines the fact that belief and determination are key to success and inspired me to keep my blog updated inspite of my busy schedule. Thanks to you !!!
I just read about you MSN , An impressive work .
you are simple ,honest man with lot of commitment .
All the best
Hi Chandoo,
Like above all I also read about you in MSN. I am not surprised but I would like to Congratulate to you that you have utilised your Golden Time which others dont know to learn new things. I am surprised that excel can change the life of man to this extent. That's great man.
Thanks to Microsoft also who created such a wonderful tool EXCEL.
Excellent man go and Excel in your life. All is Well
thanks to MSN,
for sharing a perfect inspiring story.
All the best.
jus now read abt ur site sir.. very much excited abt ur ideas and inspired me.. myself doing pgdm-ib in hyd .. i m also frm vizag ...frm now on i vl be using ur website for excel tips nd tricks.. looking more frm you .. hav a gr8 going .. all d best..
Hi & Hello purnagaru,
1stly 3 cheers andi, amazing what an inspiration to present genX in india, especially to the andhra parents, i hope the butt changes after your story, it has to, its high time.
2ndly i wanna thank MSN.COM for letting us now about you, & ur story.
3rdly will pray to GOD to bless You and your family always with success, wealth, Peace, health and happiness.
KEEP GOING sir.....
Hi Chandoo,
Came to know about a genious named Chandoo- thanks to MSN & MO (Microsoft Office). This ORG will keep me busy for sure to stress Awesome of me.
Wishing you best wishes:)
hello chandoo,
good to hear and also interesting site u having..
its really very impressive , i wish u all the best for it.
if u need any help do let me know - ya
hi chandoo,
i'm a MBA student doing 1st year. Last week my management skill faculty told about the Microsoft excel and its importance and its a transferable skill for an MBA student. I thought of learning each day one property of excel. But, i dont know where i have to get the materials and who is going to taught me. But by luck i saw your article in msn. From today onwards i'll learn one property in excel.
Thanks for your excellent blog of excel
Hey Chandoo,
Went through your entire army of comments, wanna just say..................
For the long time I am waiting for the guru for improving my excel skill as i am very passion about excel, accidently I came to read about the article of you in MSN,
Now onwards I will be your student and also one of your advertising agency as my gurudakshina for you,
Thanks for the MSN,and Chandoo Bai
Prasad Nair
Hi Chandoo,
This is Shekar from hyderabad. I felt great when i read your article in msn.com. Im proud of you that you are from India as everyone will talk about Gates and doors only. all the best "winner"
Hi Chandoo,
It is a fabulous story of a MBA guy quitting a plush job and opting to start a Blog and earn millions. It takes lot of guts to jump into the fray despite the uncertainy of assured income which a regular job offers. Congratulations for your bold decision. There is a adage which goes thus : " If you do not take risks, you will not know what you are capable of ".
I think all youngsters should take a cue from you and your life-cum-business partner and explore hitherto unknown greener pastures by innovation and creativity, the like of which you have displayed in immense measure. People invest millions to start a venture but your investment of intellect and wisdom in shaping your business and making it hugely profitable is an example which the youngsters would do well to emulate instead of cribbing about not getting a suitable job or not being able to go up the ladder in their work-places.
I heartily compliment you and your wife and wish you carve a niche for yourselves in the blogging arena. May your pursuits enlighten more and more people not about Excel but on varied topics which you are involved in propagating. Kudos !!!
The last sentence in my comment should read as :
May your pursuits enlighten more and more people not only about Excel but on varied topics which you are involved in propagating. Kudos !!!
I regret the typographical error.
Hi Chandoo,
I have read your interview in MSN Hotmail yesterday. Hats Off To You. I am also eager to take advice & tips from you. Keep it up.
Shouvik Chowdhury
I have read your achievement in MSN .. Congrats
Sure i will explore the excel tips from your site.
Thanks for sharing your knowledge.
I have just come to know about your achievement through Andhra Jyothi Daily. It is an interesting story and I really appreciate all your successful efforts including personal front. My best wishes to your betterhalf and that two cute children of course.
Yours sincerely,
KBS Reddy.
i read about u in news paper. I have not gone through your blog.Any way i will post when i read everything. I wish you all the best.
hi, Chandu Garu
your blog is good
This is Gopinath from Nizamabad. I felt great when i read your article . Im proud of you that you are from India as everyone will talk about Gates and doors only. all the best “winner”.
good to hear and also interesting site u having..
its really very impressive , i wish u all the best for it.
if u need any help do let me know – yaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Hi Chandoo
Today I read about you and your work on excel, I like excel very much so when seen the news about the excel i felt very happy. I really appreciate your work.I am wishing you all the best.
Hi sir
I am a 2010 B.tech (cse) pass out
My cousin always told me to learn some video tutorials of Excel but I thought why he forces to do so, Excel is used only to enter accounts and for that what I know is enough.
But reading your Interview in AndhraJyothi today I came to that there is much more to learn and what I know is just a drop of water in the ocean and we can make our career through Excel. Still now I didn't follow my cousin's advice but from now I am very much inspired. I will start learning excel from today. Thankyou so much.
I saw an article published 2day in A'Jyothi daily. It is very much appreciable that u opened a blog on excel and creating awareness throughout the globe. Congrats and go ahead.... krk sarma, guntur (ap)
hai sir
i want some tips to develop my Blog nd how cordinate with people
Hai chandoo
i have see your add in andhra jyouthi paper. very nice and very good. Please tell me this webside information. more information.
Hi Chandoo you did a great job. I wish you best off luck to you're future..
hai chandoo... Am ravindher,from karimnagar..am studying in NSV degree cjg Bcom 2nd year.JGL..u r great chandoo.u r so impresing me..2day am watching eenadu vasundhara paper...u r carrier good..mathematical nd logical function is very well..so nd everythimg is very well..
Yesterday I read about you and your work on excel, I like excel very much so when seen the news about the excel i felt very happy. I really appreciate your work.I am wishing you all the best
and best of luck in your future.
hi chandu garu
i have seen in news paper about this blog. My heartly congratulations to you.
Hi! Chadu you proved it once again core competence wins over technology. I am glad to find you through andhrajyothy. Great work indeed. Excellent resource for Excel users.
hiiiiiiii sir, i am pursuing my B.Tech. i have seen ur add in navya( andhra jyothi) paper. its gud very gud. and i wud follow ur tips. al da best as well congrates
Dear Chandoo,
keep rocking the same
doing good for the society and self
today has seen the things u aspire and committments fixed
my best wishes to ur family boy
hanumanthrao K
annayya nenu nee gurinchi pepar lo chadivanu nenu kuda
na black create chesukundam anukuntunnanu but naku teleedu
ala create cheyyalo plese send my mail plese annayya ................ravi
Hi brother my name is Rohan. I've just read about u and your chandoo.org website in andhrajyothy that you know more about microsoft excel. Its great. I want to know ur cell no. I want to call you.
good one for .xls users
Hi chandu,i am sumanth working in hyderabad as a sales engineer for a jerman company.
I come to know about this site for a regional news paper article.
I thanku you for helping us as my work is largely inolved in Excel.
Thnak you
Hi Chandoo...
just know i read about u in "The Economic Times" and your chandoo.org website
it is really helpful to all Exel users - My heartly congratulations
and best of luck in your future adventures.
"Hi Chandoo,
I Have a Question to you is this possible to count alfabets as
count should be 3 becouse A is 1 , B is 1 And V is one"
Please tell me if possible
If your values are in A1:A5 you can use
Although I would use a named range
Data: =OFFSET(Sheet1!$A$1,0,0,COUNTA(Sheet1!A:A),1)
and then use
=SUM(IF(FREQUENCY(MATCH(Data,Data,0),MATCH(Data, Data,0))>0,1))
HI Hui,
Thanks for your quick responce you realy helped on that prospective but when i apply that formula in a list where some cell are blank also like below
then same formula does'nt work please suggest me on same
Try this Arrray Formula
=SUM(IF(FREQUENCY(IF(LEN(A1:A10)>0,MATCH(A1:A10,A1:A10,0),""), IF(LEN(A1:A10)>0,MATCH(A1:A10,A1:A10,0),""))>0,1))
You need to enter it using Ctrl Shift Enter
HI Hui,
given array Formula is not working in my sheet when i apply it in my sheet it shown an error as (The Formula you have entered cantain an error) Please Can i get an shorter formula on it if Possible ?
Check the formula and ensure that the quote characters are " not something that looks like them
If I have any doubt in Excel operation how Can I get it cleared. Please send your reply to my above E mail ID.
Hi Please help to me to get resolved
Suppose I have a Unique data of Unique Name Like
and in other sheet repeated data of
A 56
B 87
C 98
A 85
but their Values are Different like first A hase 56 marks and 2nd A has 85 so can I get both value eg- 56 , 98 in a cell in Unique sheet using with Vlookup
Hi Chandoo,
Don't have any words to thank you, need a favor again, please through some light on MCAS Exam, how many questions we have to solve? what is the passing criteria? etc. .
Thanking you in advance.
Hi Please help to me to get resolved
Suppose I have a Unique data of Unique Name Like
and in other sheet repeated data of
A 56
B 87
C 98
A 85
but their Values are Different like first A hase 56 marks and 2nd A has 85 so can I get both value eg- 56 , 98 in a cell in Unique sheet using with Vlookup
Try posting in Chandoo's Forums
This is my first visit and i should say that, you are really awesome. Thanks for sharing ...
Good Luck!!
Hello Dear Chandoo,
I am facing problem to make a graph as
Y axia have energy Consumption &
X axis had seven measures
I need to draw effect of measrues on graph one by one ....
when I press key for once .it should shoe only one measure's energy consumption like wise all other should show ...
how can I do this?
Add some Option Buttons
Link them to a cell
Use the Linked Cell to extract the record you want to chart
Chart it
Have a look at this example:
hi chandoo anna.
nuvvu great anna....kani naku EXCEL 0 knowledge .ela start cheyaloo cheppu..naku nerpinchu anna ..
Hai...Chandoo ji
I am little weak in Browsing Net to get what i need. So i am very much need of excel formulas. i.e.,"If" conditional formulas.I knew very few formulas, I want to know detailed with an examples.
Knowledge have no barriers. I am happy that you are the one belongs to telugu people. Keep it up.....
Best regards
The accounts and finance use one excel file in a multi user collaborative way. I am coming across issues like file corruption, data size suddenly becoming 0 kb etc. What is good & reliable solution?
Dear Purna / Chandoo,
I just seen your site, to find across one of the problem in excel formula , and got awesome solution. It's great.
Although I have very good knowledge and experience in excel, office products, but I really feel now that I still have many things to learn. I wish to join your excel school , and I'm in India, please advise mode / payment and how to join , whcih date classes starts etc...
Secondly and most importantly, I have developed my office and personal work organizer in excel and is an ardount user of excel organizer.
Hacing read about dashboard , I want to further sharpen the organiser , it's utility and usability .
Please let me know how we can interact on the same and I can have your guidance on the same
Nitin Shah
Hello Chandoo,
I am a retired electrical engineer. I am fascinated by computer applications, and after retirement I took up learning them seriously. I am staying with my son and family in Seattle, WA. My son, who works for Microsoft, forwarded me your site address. I am glad that you have started this venture and I wish you all the success.
I am working with Excel applications for the past 10 years and today I am working as a Data Analyst with an engineering company here. I never cease to wonder what Excel can offer you in the world of data processing. VBA is such a great tool that makes tedious data processing jobs a joy to perform.
I plan to follow the posts and discussions on your site and seek advice from the community.
Hi, I'm Tony in the Middle East. A senior PM in a multi disciplinary consultancy Co, and came upon your website quite by chance. I have over the years created Excel spreadsheets that track a project accurately, and include various Activities, Time and Resourses. The spreadsheet continues to monitor the progression of the project and highlights where any resourse may be using too much time, expense. It equally monitors various 'Estimates to Completion' which the options can be numerious, but allows the user to diffrenciate between time, cost and resourses available. I have password protected the spreadsheet as the are over 40,000 cells with complex formulae, containing up to 8 different arguments, spreading across 15 different sheets. The unlocked cells are the only place where a user can enter information. My problem is that users want to be able to hide/unhide rows/columns when printing. But because I have right protected the doc, this function is not accessable. I would appreciate your valued assistance in this regard. Thanking you in advance. Tony
I am new the your site!....but very happy to come across. You surely are gifted. I will signing up for online school
Hi Chandoo,
Hope you're doing well!
I would like to check when is that you have planned to update this welcome page as we are already in the year 2012 now.
Wondering if we can have something new content to be seen post updating.
Hi Chandoo
I'm really impressed by the dashboards and excel techniques demonstrated here.
I feel good when someone looks at the templates created by me and wonders how i'm able to do it.
All that credit goes to you and now i personally feel that my excel skills are polished.
Above it it makes me to feel much better when i came to know that you are also form the same place from where i am.. Cheers Vizagattes..
Have a nice time.
Thank you..
Hello Every body i have a problem in excel anyone can solve this for me?
i have a value in cell B2 45, i use this cell reference in c2, now i write a new value in B2 30, i want the result in c2 (45+30), when ever i change the value in Cell B2, I need it will be added in previous total in C2,
Kindly tell me how its urgent
[...] they can help. (Seperately, if you struggle with doing things in Excel, this guy is who you want: http://chandoo.org/wp/2010/11/16/welcome-to-chandoo-dot-org/) John Gruber http://daringfireball.net If you want to know things about Apple, here’s your [...]
Awesome site with some great work.
If you can keep up this good work, I think it will be appreciated by lots of followers!
Aww.... Man you are really Awsome
great design for all this stuff and the welcome page will tellz us every thing ur up to
nicely done bro i feel you alone made all this stuff...?
Hi chadooji,
i have seen your MF tracker - India v. 3.0 it is very useful tool but i found that the main sheet shows NOW NAV is with 1% addtional VALUE. Earlier when Entry load was there so it shows correct NAV but now for direct investers there is NO ENTRY LOAD SO IN That case NOW NAV is not correctly reflecting. suggest what changes required for this.
awsum mann good going
Hi Chandoo,
You have done an Excellent Work in your life. Its very nice and very useful to Excel Lovers. I wish you all the best for your up coming works.
Thank you so much for sharing your excel knowledge and taking the time to document the steps so that we can walk through it as we learn. I have only been to this site once, just yesterday and already I feel very confident in my ability to become awesome in using excel! Also appreciate your humor and personality coming through in your blog. Again, just many thanks and I'm going to be a frequent visitor here!
Well done Chandoo. I love reading about your successes. You are inspirational.
Awsome articles are published when am going through this it remainds me Excel is a ocean
All Charting Related Articles link down?
Thanks, Peter