
Visualizing Sex & Love – 10 Infographics You Must See



Dont think of me as a perverted spreadsheet user, I like visualizations in any form or shape. There is so much data even about human relationships like love and sex. This article shows 10 of the most visually beautiful and insightful of the infographics on sex and love.

Click on the titles above images to see the detailed site. The links are mostly safe for work, so enjoy the Friday 🙂

1. Charting the Dating Data – Dizzia’s Dates


What happens when you take all your dating data and plot it on a calendar by using icons for what happened during each relationship? Dizzia got curious and did just that. This is an awesome visualization with lot of wit and simplicity. You can quickly tell how long each relationship lasted and what they have done.

2. How does Love look like?


Ever wondered how the emotion Love actually looks? What happens when you try to plot love? Emotionally Vague has conducted surveys on people to find out the color, words, body parts associated with love and plotted this information in the above seen beautiful info-graphic. Very pretty and insightful.

3. Personal sex data goes web2.0 – Bed Posted


Have you ever wondered how your sex life is progressing? Not in an emotional way, but in the way like tracking monthly budget? BedPosted promises to give you insights into your sex life. Whenever you log in just feed little data about your intimate activities to this site and leave it to come up visualizations like one seen above. Another fun way to look at your data.

4. What to say during sex – Flow chart of things to say


This is a funny flow chart of things to say during xxx. Easy to understand and fun to read.

5. What do we search for – Love or Sex? – Google Search Insights


I like the google search insights because they work like a dashboard by providing all critical info in one place. This one works the same way. Looks like the S word beats L word here. The google search insights shows us that when it comes to love western part of the world is searching more for it where as for sex, it is the eastern part which is searching more. Also, the S searches outnumber L searches thrice.

6. What are people loving right now – Twitter tweets on Love


Twistori is more like a social experiment, a window through which you see how humanity (the tweeting kind) is feeling. The above shows a snapshot of what people love. It is a simple text visualization that is pretty to watch.

7. What is the right size?


The above is a very good example of partition chart in which spatial trends are meaningful. It shows preferences of several women plotted to reveal where the pleasure is. Okay, enough detail, I leave it to you to interpret.

8. [NSFW] Who does it most? – Durex sexual well being survey 2007


[NSFW] Durex sexual well being survey is an annual affair in which they reveal trends across the globe. I believe it is part of their business continuity plans. The above shown is a map visualization of sexual frequency across globe. You can see who is busy.

9. [NSFW] Fleshmap – Touching Preferences


Fleshmap [NSFW], which is featured here earlier, is an incredibly cool way to plot intimate data. They have gathered data about touching, looking and listening and plotted it in several creative ways. The site is full of insights. But do not browse from work as some of the charts are pretty graphic.

10. [NSFW] Playboy Centerfold Images – How they have looked from 1960 to 1990


This is clever visualization and art work. Jason Salavon took centerfold images from all the playboy magazines between 1960 and 1990 and scanned these images. Then he normalized the data to create the above images. Even though it doesn’t mean anything on the outset, when you know how the image is generated you would marvel at the thought of it.

Bonus: Viagra sales cartoon

Viagra Sales - funny cartoon archive at funnytimes.com

This is as funny as graphs can get.

Like these visualizations? Why don’t you browse some of the coolest visualizations featured here earlier.

Have a great weekend 🙂

Via: FlowingData, Information Aesthetics, BuzzFeed


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    3 Responses to “Visualizing Sex & Love – 10 Infographics You Must See”

    1. [...] Chandoo wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerpt4. What to say during bsex/b - Flow chart of things to say. This is a bfunny/b flow chart of things to say during xxx. Easy to understand and fun to read. 5. What do we search for - Love or bSex/b? - Google Search Insights b…/b [...]

    2. [...] Ten Fascinating Infographics on Love and Sex you have to see. [...]

    3. [...] 10 Beautiful charts on love and sex - ??? ?????? ????? ?????? ??????????. ????????? ??????? ? ? ????? ???? ??????. [...]

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