This is a personal note, not an Excel tip. So relax, grab a cup of coffee & read on.
Two years ago, If someone told me I would be flying to Australia & get handsomely paid to do it, I would have rubbished the thought. You see, exactly two years ago, I quit my job to work on for full time.
My main focuses then were,
- to make sure my family would not starve or be deprived.
- to make you awesome in Excel
Today, #1 does not keep me up in the night. Thanks to you. You have supported, purchased our products, spread good word about our site. This removed all my doubts & financial worries. Now, most of my work day is focused on making you awesome in Excel.
Thank you
I just want to thank you for your continued support. With out that I would not have the courage to even dream about my Australian workshops, let alone actually selling them out.
Thank you, for inspiring me to learn & share
Thank you, for supporting what we do
Thank you, for showing new opportunities
Thank you, for enabling me realize my dreams
Thank you, for helping me get a car & house
Thank you, for taking time to learn & be curious
Thank you, for loving & making us a part of your life
Thank you.
PS: If you live in Sydney, Brisbane or Melbourne – lets catch up
We are conducting drinks with Chandoo events in Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne.
- Monday 30th April, Sydney from 5pm at The Opera Bar, Lower Concourse, Sydney Opera House
- Thursday 31st May, Brisbane from 5.30pm at Jade Buddha , 1 Eagle st, Eagle st Pier, Brisbane
- Thursday 7th June, Melbourne from 5.30pm at The Wharf Hotel, WTC Wharf – Riverside (World Trade Centre)
18-38 Siddeley street, Melbourne
I would love to catch up with you and toast for your happiness, wealth & health. Come join us. Click here for details.
23 Responses to “Thank you, I am flying to Australia today!”
It is wonderful to read this and I'm really happy because of your success. It is well deserved and inspirational. Wish you to be awesomely continued.
It's inspiring to see someone do what they love and take the plunge to go for their dreams, an endeavor i have struggled to do and still haven't. Your website is by far the best site in the world regarding excel and the amount of assistance. thank you for that.
Best of Luck in Australia. Let us know when you are in the US (Florida?)
Amazing what happens when you put your entire heart into something and believe in it.
You have a good thing going here Chandoo. The internet is becoming a place where people learn and you are at the forefront of that. This site is going to grow and grow. Keep up the good work and always remember your roots.
Am happy to see this success of chandoo, and i also play second the andrew that always remember your roots chandoo and we are your roots:)
Happy tour....
Sean said what I was going to - but the west coast version. Do be sure to come visit us in California sometime in the near future.
Thank you for such an awesome website/resource. You make my workday easier. And more interesting!
Enjoy the fruits of your success! I enjoy reading your personal posts such as this and am happy to see how your life has been transformed by the love of Excel.
Congratulations Chandoo..!
You are doing a great job.. thanks for everything..!
Go ahead and enjoy... we are indebted to you for your tireless work and helpful nature.
I wish you a very good future in Australia.
wish you all the luck !!
and best thing about your site is everyone continues to learn and grow (even those who have not purchased stuff ! )
Gr8 going.. keep growing,
Congratulations Chandoo! You deserve it a lot.
You are an inspiration to many who want to come out of their shell and realize their dreams.
Have an awesome trip.
Your data visualization techniques have been a tremendous help to me! I'm happy that your work is bringing good things to you and your family.
Great work buddy! You deserve it.
Wow, what an inspiring message! Blessings to you and your family. Keep up the great work! helped a lot to lern excel , your web sites always inpires me to to become awesome in excel
many many thanks
You have been inspiration to lot of young Indian who want to be tech leads in various fields.
Enjoy the good times!
Cheers ~Amit
It is the success which is not getting reflected in your visit to aus but the comments that ur readers are putting in ur comment box.
Brilliance is not the Destination it is a Journey....
Are you coming to New Zealand while you are in Australia?
Hi Chandoo,
This is just another proof of how globalisation works! When you have the skills and knowledge, there is no border to your business....
Good on you and see you in the Melbourne masterclass!
When I was strolling,Chandooinspired me to run!!! , now I have been running after all his posts. No doubt on his success,,, all the posts above it self is an evident to prove it. I have been reading all most all the posts that was posted previous to me and I can imagine how much he has contributed to the excel world. Wish you all the very best…………… Chandoo …. Keep it up. Think & work out of the box as you do now…… cheers !!!
Good Chandoo Garu...Have a good stay in Australia. BTW do let us know when we can meet in Singapore.
Chandoo! I've learned so much from your site over the past few years. I'm really happy you are doing what you love. Congratulations!